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William the Bloody

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About William the Bloody

  • Birthday 09/16/1989

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  • Location
    Bartlett, Illinois
  1. Arr! Good to be having another great Xbox release. Sid Meirs Pirates was good enogh for me, though... Anybody else there that be actually having that game besides me?
  2. Cap'n Seahawk- ye be having exceptionally great ideas. I be liking especially the rope ladder for the bunk bed, and havin' half the bunkbed as a playplace. Thank ye all for yer great ideas. And I have already thought of fake palm trees. I really want either a deserted island type room or a cap'ns quarters room, so all yer ideas fall right in to what I was hoping me room would be like...
  3. Arr, William the Bloody here! Me daddy, Cap'n Pete Straw made me type this review... Anyway, Sid Meiers Pirates be one of the greatest games of all time, says I! Ye choose a difficulty level, as well as a speciality and a name. Then ye head ta the narby tavern and sign up with either the evil Spanish, the greedy Dutch, the cowardly French, or the almighty British! (Arr, I bet ye can guess which one I signed up with...) Ye start out with a mouse of a ship, and begin sailing across the seven seas. Often ye will get in fights with the enemy ships. To defeat them, you will have to select from three different kinds of ammo- Chain Shots, Grape Shots, and Round Shots... I have recently discovered that if ye ram the enemy ship ye may board them. Doing so allows ye to fight their captain. Ye select from a variety of swords to use, then perform a variety -o- attacks and counter attacks. If you win either by sinking their ship or defeating their captain, ye take all their gold, food, cannons, spices, sugar, luxuries, and even their crew! Should ye defeat them by knocking their cap'n overboard, ye can even cature their ship! This is how you can advance yer fleet from a puny vessel to a massive juggernaut of a ship! Throughout the game ye will earn fame points. These are rewarded for capturing other ships, getting promoted, killing famous pirates, discovering lost islands, romancing governers daughters, and finding lost islands. I have five fame points- one for killing the deadly Cap'n Silvers. As ye sink ships, the enemies of those ships may promote ye. Getting promoted makes recruiting easier in ports that belong to the nationality that promoted ye. Also, when ye have been promoted enough, ye may recieve the honour of escorting the governer's babe-licious daughters to the ball. There, you must follow the females lead while dancing. I failed miserably on me first try. If ye succeed, ye may kiss the girl. I ye sink lots of ships, the nationality who owns the ships will obviously get mad and not allow ye to enter their town. So, ye can wait until night and sneak in. Then ye must take out the annoying nightwatch, and slay the governor. I have spent more time writing this than I have actually playing the game, so if you will excuse me, I have some matters to attend to. I will continue to post reviews as I learn more about the game...
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