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Louisiana Jeff

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About Louisiana Jeff

  • Birthday 07/03/1961

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Louisiana, USA
  • Interests
    Honest merchant sailor looking for fortune.
  1. We use this at work to support telephone cables: http://www.stanleysupplyservices.com/product-group.aspx?id=9111. It's 1/2 wide and stronger than a zip tie. It comes in a roll so it could be cut (with good scissors) to length and the ends can be easily trimmed. I don't know how the price would compare to regular zip ties but it might be better for custom corsets.
  2. I just started reading "The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood" in preparation of our next festival. We will be going to the Sherwood Forest Faire in Texas this month. It's a free kindle download, I have the Kindle app on my phone. http://www.amazon.com/Merry-Adventures-Robin-Hood-ebook/dp/B000JMKWWA/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1328368787&sr=1-1
  3. Very good show. The whole family enjoyed it.
  4. I guess they are still around: http://www.ratfink.com/?gclid=CJ2U79z2gq0CFcVgTAodm1nETQ
  5. Kinda' reminds me of the "Rat Fink" stickers from the '60s
  6. Do these benches have storage under the seat? Like a piano bench? The pic of the plate seems ( t' me untrained eye) seems to have space where the leg connects to the top.
  7. Thanks for the discussion! Ye've added some movies I've not seen and added to me lists.
  8. I zip tied it and asked at the gate, no one was checking. Had a great time, only whacked my wife & daughter in the legs once each. Sitting was a problem, my belt did not lend itself to moving the sword around for comfort. I may be looking towards a baldric in the near future.
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