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Morgan Swift

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    Currently Hails from the North Eastern Seaboard...
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    Who’ll make his mark<br>The captain cried<br>To the devil drink a toast<br>We’ll glut the hold<br>With cups of gold<br>And we’ll feed the sea with ghosts<br>I see your hunger for a fortune<br>Could be better<br>Served beneath my flag<br>If you’ve the stomach<br>For a broadside<br>Come aboard my pretty boys<br>I will take you and make you<br>Everything you’ve ever dreamed

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  1. *Back after the exploading cpu incident...* I have been interested for some time in making a hat, so read this with a great deal of interest. I was going to order from J.Townsend myself, but upon reading your post, I figured...nothing ventured, nothing gained. Is it possible for you to hook me up with your supplier? :) I have been interested in doing this for some time, but balked at the idea of buying something that would need work, for fear of ruining it. If it cost less I would be less concerned. If you have a site with your work on it, I would be interested in that too! Thanks! Morgan Swift
  2. "...coat? There was a coat?? Where?!" *Blinks* "Oh... the COAT! Yes, quite nice..."
  3. I didn't hem the edges at all. In fact, I left them raw and washed them over and over till they frayed. I did trim out the ends with beadwork though.
  4. Hacksaw...hmmm... *begins to ponder fun with the tools in the garage...mind slips off to the set of power tools. * Belt sander? On somthing more robust than say cotton/linen... ...powertools.....ooooooo....
  5. ... interesting. Probably much like the tea (which also has tanic acid) But, looking for disgusting grime, not just brown age. I could just wear my shirt for a season and hope to sweat! Or, wear it to the beach (which wouldn't be a horrible fate either!) For now... gonna try the pastels though. Maybe grind some of it to dust and mix the colors till its right.
  6. PASTEL STICKS!!! Now that sounds like it would work AND be easy! I am off to the art store anyway...so, I will pick some up. I use a wire brush to shred clothing, the kind you clean your paint brushes with. It works like a charm. Sandpaper is good in a pinch though. Once, I played with my cat till HE did the job for me...(he will chase anything I drag along the ground) But, Pastels I can at least control the color, and the good ones stain.
  7. The powder might have been fuller's earth. I have used that to do brown dust type dirt... I have never done the gray grimy kind though.. A costumer friend suggested a bar of soap (ironic, no?) And run that over all the seams and wear spots. Will try that later.
  8. *Chuckles* This is all good, but I was hoping for a bit more refined! Yeah, I knew about the PotC cement mixer... *g* Maybe the airbrush is the best way... or, the cleaning the stove, but instead of using my shirt as the rag, collect the soot and brush it on with fingers into the wear spots. Thanks everyone!
  9. Avast! As mentioned on another thread, I am in the midst of making a grey wool coat among other things. If you click on my link, you will see my name ought to be Ajax rather than Morgan! How would I add some grime to my garments? I know not to wash...but I would like to speed things up a bit. I know the coffee & tea bath trick...what I am looking for is grey, ring-around-the collar grime. Suggestions?
  10. I have that Simplicity Pattern, and just finished putting the coat together. It's in gray wool I bought for a song at a local fabric warehouse. (Those of you near New Jersey, if you are interested, I can send you an address...amazing stuff at like half the price!) In wool, the coat came out very heavy, but it does have some nice swing to it. I was annoyed at the lack of lining too, but decided to skip cutting one for two reasons...1) to save on the weight (its already godawful heavy!) 2) to save on expense. (even cut rate fabric adds up when you need 6 yards!) The sleeves were a bear, but I think it was more due to the weight of the fabric I used. I will use Cotton Duck or Canvas next time (then age it all with a spray of peroxide) I am kind of sorry I didn't make real pockets right now, and may try to go backwards and install them. Suggestions? I took all the trim I put on off, as I hated what I had. I am going to start over after the fact. Any suggestions for trim on a gray wool coat? I had black originally...its supposed to look more utilitarian than ornate. Also, the weight of the gorget pleats in back is pulling the coat off my man's back... He wants to wear it open. Suggestions? (I threatened saftey pins secreted inside the shoulders)
  11. Oooh! I need buttons for a coat! Where are those from originally? I would also take suggestions for something similar... The coat is grey wool, and has yet to be trimmed in any fashion. (thinking black trim though.)
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