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Posts posted by DarrenJ.Gendron

  1. Avast!

    I'm Darren J. Gendron.

    I know it's generally not a good idea to join a forum and to then immediately start pimping something, but I have to break the rules on this one.

    I'm currently running a Kickstarter for a board game called Scurvy Dogs: Pirates and Privateers. And seriously, this is a game made for people on this forum, so I thought it should also be made with the people on this forum.

    You can check out all the details at http://www.GetScurvy.com , but really the most awesome things we have are the ability to preorder the game or the ability to have your likeliness (in pirate regalia) added into the game itself.

    Also, someone please ask me some questions so I can prove I'm not a spambot.

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