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About Captain Annie Finlay
- Birthday 10/10/1983
Profile Information
fanfiction (reading and writing), non-fanfiction writing, reading, movies (all kinds, especially PoTC), video games, surfing the internet, swords (collecting and fencing--the sport, not the other kind), going to the local renfaire, etc.
hmm...personally, I'd have ta say that me favorite tavern would be the White Hart (those who frequent MDRF know exactly what I'm talking about :) ), but if I had to come up with me own name...well...I think that 'Raving Devil' sounds about right.
I don't have any pictures yet, but I have the exact same cutlass as ye do oderlesseye, as well as an as of yet unidentified type of military sabre. Unfortunately, that be all I have so far, unless ye counts me wooden swords and me fencing blades (a sabre and a foil).
I may be a 'captain,' but as far as a crew goes, I'm currently (as Jack Sparrow would say) in the market. So I suppose that would make me a freelancer.
I've never been much fer labels, mates, but if I had ta choose, I'd say I'm just dressin' up as a pirate for the sheer fun of it all (sure as hell beats petticoats 'n corsets <g>). Of course, I don't perform or anything like that, but if I did, it'd probably be more for entertainment than historical accuracy (not that there's anything wrong w/history...just too damn expensive.)
MDRF Pyrate Invasion Weekend Activities
Captain Annie Finlay replied to Duncan McGuyver's topic in September
I'll definitely be there. Me mates crapped out on me, though, so I'll be all by me lonesome. Anyway, you'll be able ta recognize me by the dark green captain's coat and the big black hat w/the green plume. An I will have me pyracy pub pin on as well, so I shouldn't be that hard ta spot...I hope. Anyway, see you all there tomorrow (and probably Sunday as well) -
Captain Chelle, which vendor would that be? I've been dying ta get me hands on one of those pewter pins, but can never figure out where ta get em.
Aye, Crimson, that I do. Not quite sure where ta put it at the moment, but I have it. But if all else fails, jest stop by either the White Hart or the Globe an' you'll probably run inta me. I'll be wearin' breeches, so I should stand out from the other lovely ladies in attendance.
I'll definitely be goin' Saturday, and possibly Sunday as well. I'll be getting meself a season pass, so I'll be there as many weekends as I can (though not in me full pirate garb until the 24th.) Hope ta see everyone there.
Hi. Cap'n Annie here. :sits down at bar and orders a round of Guinness: Still as single as ever, but over the summer I had meself one of those--whatcha call 'em?--epiphanies, that's it. The reason I've been single for so bloody long is because I've been 'lookin fer love in all the wrong places,' so ta speak. An' by wrong places, I mean the wrong half o' the population. Truth is, I'm gay. Have been fer a long time, actually, but jest didn't realize it 'til recently. Anyway, now that I've had this epiphany, I've been much happier, and am finally startin' ta feel like the real me (well, at least when I'm around the people who know) and, with any luck, now that I've figured out where I should be lookin', me single days will soon be comin' to an end. Whew...feels so good ta finally get that off me chest. Lassies, the next round's on me
Seein' as MDRF is me 'ome port, so ta speak, I'll definitely be there. Not as part o' a crew or anything (as Cap'n Sparrow would say, I'm in the market :) ), but I will most likely be spendin' a bit of time at the White Hart, since I be old enough ta drink this year. Look forward ta seein some of ya there.
You Might Be a Pirate if . . .
Captain Annie Finlay replied to Tudor MercWench Smith's topic in Scuttlebutt
if'n your preferred drivin' music be a Pyrates Royale CD (I be ownin' two) that you've listened ta so of'n that ye not only knows all the words ta all the songs, but you've memorized the in-between banter as well -
Me cabin musta just caught fire, 'cause things seem ta be heating up...
Ta answer the original question, I'd say Cap'n Annie is more or less an amplified version of meself. I mean, I do have an actual persona (or at least, am in the process of developing one) for MDRF, and as far as that goes there are differences between the fantasy 'n the reality. For example, I couldn't go and keelhaul me boss (even if the stupid bint does deserve it), but Captain Annie Finlay's done that sort 'o thing a thousand times. It's just a matter of keeping me real life and me piratical fantasies properly separated. --Cap'n Annie (who's got plenty o' room in her cabin if PyratePhil cares to drop by 'n give a demonstration o' this strange game called 'Post Office )
Ta answer the question that was posed at the beginnin o' this thread, methinks I consider meself more o' a faire person. Granted, I've only been at this fer a couple o' years (wit the 2005 MDRF bein' the first time as me persona), but I've become quite comfy wit the more relaxed atmosphere there. (Seein fine young lads in kilts don't hurt either ) Not that there be anythin wrong wit historical accuracy and reenactin(especially considerin that me ma is a big history buff), but ta be truly 'period', I'd hafta wear a bloody skirt, and I'd rather walk the plank right inta the bilgewater they call the Chesapeake. Gimme a good pair o' breeches anyday. Well, I've said me piece now. Anyone needs me, I'll be at the bar, enjoyin a fresh pint o' Guinness.
Ahoy! Another single pirate lass here, stepping up to the bar. Been single for...lessee...a little over three years now. Me last boytoy--er--boyfriend was freshman year 'o college. That one turned out ta be a pansy who wanted ta 'just be friends' 'cause his mama didn't like me. Before that, I had a wonderful lad for two-and-a-half years 'o high school. Unfortunately, he's a pathological flirt and we drifted apart when he started college (but we're still best mates--go figure.) Anyway, I have no real strong urge to go out and date at the moment...but if a handsome pirate lad just happened ta fall in me lap, I wouldn't object Now, who's buyin the rum?