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About bluravn

  • Birthday 08/11/1977

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    nj/ {easy to find @ NYRF}
  • Interests
  1. well i am a bit quiet i'll admit that {but its no so easy to respond when i only get to use this here magic box but on the weekends} ...as far as my story; wells it all starts by havin the rug pulled right out from under me by a scallywag of a rouge. an' as i be one who would rather droun' my sorrows than shout them...... let us just say it turned out ok. things are better now . i got a new man {he lives 1hr away }so i jump from 1 port during the week to the other port on the weekeds {when i can use the magic box} things in general are better than they have been in a long time... so let us have anouther round; an' raise our glasses to new loves{may they true} new lusts{may they be not just a roll in the hay} new jobs {may we all find the right one}....... blu {ok i know not the best tost but i am a little rushed}
  2. yarr its been a while mates sence ive been to port . been adrift a bit too long . but it sure is good to see that your all as roudy as ever sure makes a girl feel right at home. so heres a round on me mates Blu
  3. you might want to try Star fire swords , there swords are used at a lot at ren fests by the actors for sword play . none have sharp edges and are verry nice. i think there is a link for them on the NYRF sight just look up REC.COM (i think its a .com) it lists all of the REC faires and listings of most of the merchents w/links at the faires . i hope that helps a bit in your search. Blu ps there are also wooden swords that are heavy duty and ment for praticing/learning with . they should be on the sight too.
  4. you may want to check out www.recfaire.com they list most of the venders links my favs from nyrf.are csdesignsonline.com.........c and s designs wonderfull chemices pesant blowses skirts and simpol bodices prices are moderate & she makes everything her self and is verry good quality. houseof dra.com..................house of dra everything you need, but the bodice, in cotton and silk for men and woman high qualty a little pricey but worth it all hand made my the lady Dra herself. i saw some one sugested heartsdelight in my opinion good if you want gauze tops or skirts wich are wonderfull for HOT weather events but personaly there bodices are not annything i would wright home about id rather spend a bit more for better qualty that will last for a long time . i have a few of there shirts and a chemeise and i love em light weight and cumfey! but none the less check out your local farie (or the links on faire sights they are a great resorce ) you may want to look up the SCA (the people responsible fo the pennsic war) they have info about period clothing . speaking of pennsic my fav clother there hase become ageless fashions there sight is www.trappingsandtrouble.com i have a few of there gauzies, & cholies and wow cumfey!!! i also bought a velvet coat and a heavy cloke for my man and he loves em! i hope that helps a bit or at least gives you a few ideas. good luck in your search for the perfict garb ,dont get discourged it takes time to realy know what is "you" it hase taken me 10 years to hone the idea of what i want my garb to look like( now alls i need is the $$$$ ) it hase been a slow evolution from wench to the pirating gypsie i am becoming piece my piece. blu
  5. wow im sooo happy that so many of you will be there too , we definetly need to figure out a time to get together and meet up for a drink or 2 . as far as me i spend most of my time in camp (seven leaves that is) smokin' my pipe an' bakin' in the sun (no trees in our camp) or at a friends camps that have shade, or just wonderin' the market looking for something to caytch me eye. i have yet to take; or make it on time for a class, but then again bein a pirate im no to good at tellin time . was thinkin of a dancin' or fencin' class this year ,we shall see . other wise i should arrive some time late fri night -early sat morn with just enough time to hopefully have a drink an' pass out for a couple hrs befor land grab. cant weight to go home and i look foward to meeting some of ya. so ears' to going home and a safe trip to all in there travles. blu
  6. NOT TRUE . yes leather is mor expensive but it is THE MOST COMFORTABLE! like i said earler i have a leather rose bodice (i use to work for them ) wich i have sold to many of woman(of ALL shapes and sizes) befor i ever bought one myself and all of them have come back and they love them! there is one major factor that one gets with leather .... leather MOLDS ITSELF TO YOU OVER TIME in other words dont worry if it gets wet just wear it (how it fits right) till it drys and poof custom fit!!!!!! my leather bodice from leather rose fits me like a glove esp now that it got wet (not soked just dampened) just so you know most bodices are nothing but PAIN for me i have a bum sholder and the blade is off so most bodices cause a lot of discomfort for me and the only bodices i wear are leather b/c the leather moldes to me and dose not hurt me. oh and i work nyrf wich happens in aug-sept and YES it gets HOT my solution is an ice chest it never fales ! and as the ice melts cooling you down( your bodice gets damp the leather streches to fit you better as it drys it is even more molded to your body). hummmm relative comfort in a bodice nothing is better than that! if you ask me screw beauty is pain beauty is a good leather bodice (be it leather rose or not ) ! good luck in your quest i wish you luck. blu
  7. But of course I know of the seven leaves! Katrina is a good friend of mine! You may remember Sir Nic from our camp last year. He visited a couple nights as did Shaelyn and myself. I'll definitely be lookin' ya up on that offer mate! Just listen for the sounds of "Rum....Rum....Rum Rum Rum". That'll be us. We're out every night cept for Sat the 13th...we hold the Virgin Sacrifice in camp. Is much fun and this year proves to be one helluva show! remember you want me to remember annything clearly about pennsic???!! you got to be kidding me! far tooo manny names to remember names ,maby faces ,but names not realy . none the less anny friend of lady kats is a friend of mine so ears a pint on me blu
  8. ello cptn mad eye have you heard of the seven leaves? i be Dyanheart ships heart of the mary jane wich crash lands by the lake each year. i look foward to sharing a tankerd of grog with you and your crue this war. bluravn
  9. arrr i see that penncic hase been marked in the clander so i assume that some one is going ( aside from me and mine ) just thought it would be nice to meet and have some grog! hope to hear from some of you scervy dogs . blu
  10. Yeah, like I said, pricy. but the pics don't do them justice. The leather work is, I am told, lasercut. Certainly I have never seen such clean crisp lines with any kind of knife. Those who I know that have bought them swear that they fit perfectly and nothing shifts. They don't show pics, but they've made a full leather dress of about 6 oz, laser cut, studded and spiked. The spike bra was interesting, too. Hawkyns i can vouge for the qualty and beauty of these bodices, a friend of mine hase one and WOW ! i myself have been drooling over them at pennsic for the past 2 years. but yes pricey but the quality is way worth the price for a great bodice that will last for years to come. take it from me i have had many ... 1 i bought at a sca event 10 years ago for $30 that ive had to repare but is still ok. i also have a basic moresca that i bought for $75 about 9 years ago that is in great shape still they do have pirate bodices (i think there around $100 but im not sure ) and just about annything else you might need to put together an outfit. if leather is what you want you also might want to look into the leather rose i have one of the basic bodices it is 8 years old cost about $110 at the time but is perfict shape as a matter of fact it fits better than the day i bought it b/c if warn enough leather will form to your figure! sorry i dont have links for you but im sure that if you google moresca or the leather rose you will find them i know there links should be on the nyrf websight . i hope that helps a little Blu
  11. ... when asked to say the alphabet you automaticly sat the priates alphabet. ... if you download more sea shanties than rock off of kaza (or other music sight). ... if ARRRR realy is YOUR favorite word.
  12. Mate, I hate te sound like a neophyte, but where is the Pennsic thing happenin'? If it's a few towns over from me, then I'll be there with bells on. But I doubt it. Cptn. Roberts may i intorduce myself ,in be Bluravn and ,yes i shall be attending pennsic war this aug. an' ifin' i gets ta' meet ya id be glad to share a pint an' for our "neophyte" friend that was wondering where pennsic is.... nearslippery rock P.A. nearing the boarder of ohio for me it is a minum of a SIX hour drive and sooooooo worth it. ill be there with bells on weather there be 1 or 100 towns between.
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