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About baptiste

  • Birthday 10/04/1959
  1. How many pyrates survived their own time? Did many pyrates practice their trade for more than two or three years? What was the average. P.S. Black John, good to see you on the forum. I like your new web page! Cheers
  2. Just picked up " Boarder's Away" and "Boarders Away II" by William Gilkerson. Two books about nautical weapons 1626 to 1826. Very cool. Great illistrations. Any Reviews?
  3. Check out Middlesexvillage! http://www.middlesexvillagetrading.com/
  4. Edward Graves, Stop talking ablout yer flag and show it to us! I am sure all of us want to see yer handy work! Also on a tech. side, how do you do the heat treatment Baptiste
  5. THe web address di not show up. Please try again
  6. Is there a good sourse for stiching palms and other marlin spike seamanship stuff. I am hoping to get back in the game (taking week-ends off) a new group is forming in San Francisco and I am hoping to join them. They are making a sail for some historical ship.
  7. Hi Royaliste No ship, no group. My reenacting is this side of the keyboard.
  8. Lorelei de la Mer A photo on your link shows you on board the Witch of Wood. I sailed her in the 80's. Is Stan still the owner? Baptiste
  9. Well my rigging is cut, I am demasted, the rudder is shot away and your broadside has breached my hull Beneath the water line! It is clear that I crossed a line and for that I apologize! It was my attempt to engage in lively conversation. Instead I have hurt people's feelings and brought up bad memories. For all this I apologize. In my own defense, I said I hand sew my button holes because I do not know how to use a sewing machine. My bonnet is spun from the wool of Gary the ram (a friends 4H project). Again, I apologize!
  10. Well I got 33 replies out of you lubbers! Pretty fine for my first posting! P.S. The wool from my bonnet was spun by hand and knitted by a friend. THe sheeps name was Gary
  11. WHo cast these fine guns? Do they have a web site?
  12. Aye Clair, Pyrate readings to the wee ones! Get the next genertion started!
  13. I hear rants! Let me hear some more coments from my first post!
  14. Tell me about your guild/group/ship. What are yer numbers? Whar do ye sail out of? What activities? Baptiste
  15. Marie Rouge, I have wiped the tear from my eye. My experieince as a reenactor has involved ocean passages, snow treking and other foolish things. I use natural fabrics for they last a long time and keep ya warm. Linen keeps ya cool! Regarding the cost of fabric. I know people who used $10 worth of synthetic fabric and $150 in triming. Why not make a common garmet out of wool for $30 instead. I have ranted too much!
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