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Status Replies posted by Mission

  1. Matt McLaine lives in the South Carolina Lowcountry, less than an hour from where Blackbeard once blockaded Charles Towne harbor, and has fished the same Edisto River where reluctant pirate Charles Yeats once anchored his ship while waiting for a pardon from the Governor. He’s been writing about the Golden Age of Piracy since early 2017 when he wrote the first of his Wikipedia pirate articles. It quickly became a fascination which grew into two books (with more in progress), an academic journal article, interviews, and nearly 200 Wikipedia entries.

    1. Mission


      Hi Matt! Good to see you here. Next thing you know, you're going to be reenacting... ;) (This is where I got my start.)

      Matt keeps extensive records and creates or edits the entries of the lesser known pirates on Wiki. (And, unlike parts of the entries on the better known pirates on Wiki , provides reliable references.)

  2. Any pubbers coming to Fells Point this year?

    1. Mission


      I'm going, but I'm not wearing any garb other than my hat. My sister and her husband live there so I'm flying in and we're going to go down and check it out on Saturday.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Humph..my old avatar doesn't fit this new box...rats. Even with the cropping availablilty, it won't fit without whacking the bottom or top off. **sigh** Back to the drawing board.

    1. Mission


      The key to the avatars appearing as they do in the photo is to make them square.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Arrr the Pirate Pub be almost complete and I couldn't be happier

    1. Mission


      Yes, but completely what?

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