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About Capt.mino

  • Birthday 02/10/1969

Profile Information

  • Location
    Santo domingo, Dom. Rep.
  • Interests
    To enjoy the life of Pirates & Corsairs of course!!<br><br>Also.....when i am:<br><br>IN THE SEA: I love to go Sailing, Surfing, Scuba diving, Beach Treasure Hunting....and having a looot of fun with my wife, my freinds and people like you!!! <br><br>IN LAND: Jujutsu & H2H combat, Reading (History, Seamanship, Natural Remedies, methaphysics, ancient cultures, etc..)<br><br>HOW I GOT MY LOOT to keep this lifestyle:<br>Since 1991 i create a brand of natural suncare products (Caribbean Sun) wich i start in the humble garage of my parents house with just one product (coconut oil spf 3 Dark tanning oil), now i am producing 23 different products selling them with great success in all the hotels and supermarkets of the Dominican Republic, Turks & caicos, Cuba...soon in all the islands of the Caribbean...!!! I also produce the best flavored rum and flavored coffee that your insatiable mouth had ever tasted !!!!..........wanna try some of my poisons!!!
  1. Gracias!!! Excellent recipe!! BR
  2. Dear Amigos y viejos lobos de mar, I am working in developing a Flavored rum project. Apart of the classical flavored rums i am looking to develope a real Pirate grog, bring alive again the real rumbullion.... So for this purposes i need the help of anyone who have the historic information of the different ways of rum flavoring of the pirates, privateers, corsairs, etc.. You can find info in the Book of Exquemelin, where the pirates flavored their rum barrels with spices like ginger, nutmegs, cloves, lemon, etc... There are also the folks recipes of the artisans in each caribbean island, but i am goin more deep, becouse i know that in this forum there are very well readed personalities on the pirate topic and maybe someone, who knows !..can give a new recipe that only appears in a out of print /old / Historic pyracy book of their private library. Gracias por su ayuda, sea cual fuere. Sincerely, Belarmino Rodriguez Santo Domingo, La Hispaniola.
  3. What do you like in a woman? Inteligence, character, explosive passion, a sincere smile...and joyful heart. Physically that is. What do you notice first? Her legs...her hands ...her smile...a strong body...brunettes & red heads are the best !!....blonds always are having too much fun....
  4. Christine ........the most gorgeous pirate lady that my sharp eyes had ever seen in this place.....simplemente..Hermosa!!!
  5. ...........in my car..Sorry!!..My ship!! : Flamenco and classic melodies from Cuba.....just for relax and enjoy the voyage.
  6. Theres some interesting dates that can bring you some light: 1586 : the invasion of sir francis drake to la Hispaniola 1623: Constant buccaneers attacks to north shore of la hispaniola comming from tortuga island. 1627: A spanish battle ship squad attack and destroy all the pirate bases in isla tortuga. etc etc........
  7. Thanks for the Info....now i know is valid to plan a treasure hunting day in that caves and cays with my metal detector....
  8. There are a few cays and caves close to the shore , very close to the shore of the south east coast of the hispaniola island which its said where used as secret spots of some pirates...what any of you can say about it...is it true?..or false?...have any of you had seen any info or comment in book, etc...please let me know...i am about to visit that places : Cay willy simmons (located in Samana peninsula, Los haitises)...lore mention that was used very often by this pirate "willy simmons" have any of you hear something about him? Grottoes of San Gabriel (located in Samana penninsula, Los haitises)..lore mention that this grottoes used to be the hiding place of Pirate Jack Banister and pirate John Rackham......any bell ringing?... Please let me know about your info !!!
  9. Estimado Capitan Flint; If you are looking for a nice, real feeling cutlass at a very good price, please head your ship to the web site of: Atlanta cutlery .com There you will find in swords - european ..a nice companion for your adventures.
  10. My most sincere congratulations. Excellent work. Maybe the most acurrate research on Pirates aveilable in the net. I wonder why you dont have more pirate profiles, maybe time has been not very aveilable to you to keep on your good work. Sincerely, Capt. mino Ps: If you need nice pictures for your web site let me know, i got a lot of local archeological books and cds plenty of neat pictures of all types of small arms, cannons, ships, forts, instruments, etc etc., theres also a Spanish goverment library full of copies of documents, maps and portraits from El archivo general de Indias de Sevilla. (The need to read spanish is obligatory in most cases .)
  11. I am just wondering how many pirates are here living in any Caribbean Island. If there are some...lets make a Caribbean pirates group !!!
  12. Wow...very interesting reading. THat guy was a real demon of the seven seas !!!
  13. Where you been?.....Bavaro, Puerto Plata, Cabarete....? Its very nice to hear that at least one in the group has been here. Did you visit the regular tourist places or did you look for the special spots around the island, the ones that you need to get out of the hotel , rent a car, ask a lot questions, get lost in the way 10 times..etc etc...but when you are there....is more than a wonderful experience !
  14. Ahoy !ates !!....any fellow pirates planing to visit my gorgeous island ?....please let me know, for shure i can recomend you the best places to stay !!! A lot of real pairates places to visit...just write and i will tell you more... Mino
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