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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. Forgot to come back here and report... Spamalot was terrific. Absolutely fantastic. My wife (who still refuses to watch the original MP&HG) was rather perturbed that I was able to cite every single spoken line throughout the entire play -- a play I had never seen before. She was utterly embarrassed when I revealed that I snuck my own empty halves of cocoanuts into the theater... but I explained it was cheaper than purchasing the $15 ones they sold at the concession stands!
  2. Taking the day off of work and alternating with another internet screen watching all the Bunny 30-Second Movie Reenactments Maybe I'll do something constructive later.
  3. What? There's a place where mermaids dance on the bar? Oh, I am so there!
  4. I am already precogniscent of all the posts that others will post within this thread... Oh, you guys are going to be hilarious! I can hardly wait to re-read the stuff I already know about. However, I will endeavor to proofread my own posts so I don't make those terribly obvious spelling mistakes I am going to make.
  5. Thread dropped... I'm lost... where are we? What is the word I am supposed to free associate?
  6. I knew someone was going to initiate this topic thread...
  7. Cannot agree to anything at this point, but I once drove straight through from here to Lawrence, KS, so I know it's doable. Keep me on your virtual list. We shall see... but it would be a long haul.
  8. The redhead (Naomi) was, to the best of my knowledge, our crew's only house call. I carried a botlte of ink, a quill, and a copy of the Articles over to the Windy II & signed her up. She had asked me to do this during the cruise I went on, because they had absolutely no free time. I found these to be the most wonderfully nice people (not to mention hardworking). I was offered free passage again on the Windy II if I can ever get myself "down to Chicago" while some of them are manning the crew. Then I explained that I WORK in downtown Chicago and watchthe Windy II almost every day from my office window.
  9. Forgive me ... I have posted these photos in various Pub threads already, but I think they also belong in here. The Simplicity pattern was used to make the coat (justacorps), the waistcoat, and the pants. Sash (waist), sword baldric (in the top photograph), and shirt were all done without any pattern. Hat is a regular hat blank I heavily modified. Put the buckles on the shoes.
  10. So the Pirate Festival is, as they say, in the can. Been there, done that. And I purchased some extra flair, just to be sure I would have enough. Plenty of pictures have been posted in the other thread on this festival here in the "Raids" area. I believe my flair is sticking out in some of them. Oh -- speaking of Exposing One's Flair, can anyone tell me what the hell is going on with my waistcoat/pants/crotch in this photo?
  11. Sorry -- slight correction: I won the costume contest wearing the outfit that appears in the third photo (the one with Captain Jack Sparrow). There are a few subtle changes from the other photos. Note the infamous Puffy shirt. In fact, I believe that (third) photo was taken on Sunday afternoon less than an hour after I had won the contest.
  12. Although these have been posted in a different thread, here are some shots of Yours Truly taken this past weekend at the Port Washington (Wisconsin) Pirate Festival... With the crew of the Windy II: Here is the outfit -- and extra hardware -- that cinched me first place in Sunday's costume contest (category: Men 18 and over): I just can't place that other guy -- I think I've seen him somewhere before... And that would be the Windy II in the background of this totally spontaneous and unposed candid shot:
  13. What? Did I hear a bunch of complaints that I am not posting enough pictures of Cap'n Pete Straw -- or, better yet, of Peaches? I regret the oversight. Here, then, for your viewing pleasure, are a few more. The Windy II makes a nice backdrop: ...What are those lads doing behind that gibbet? Great for opening cans, towing cars, taking care of that hard-to-reach itch or booger... And you should see the size of the fish you can hook with this thing! (Warning: attracts crocodiles){/I] Standing next to some pirate I am certain no one will recognize at all...
  14. The evil Port Washington militia attempting to defend their nasty little town from poor defenseless pirates who never ever hurt anybody... The trial: Captain Lester Orchitis (Rick Cleveringa) pronounces sentence (hanging!) during proceedings against Rum Davey (David Gregory) and Captain Joe Cotton (Tom Charney) And I just happen to like how this shot came out...
  15. Another shot of the Windy II... But look! The crew includes a bunch of babes! It's good to be a pirate! Some of the Windy II crew welcoming their newest shipmate: Peaches. Here's an afternoon shot of the Buccanneer Bash Beer Tent before the crowd arrived:
  16. I am going to load one image, to see if this uploads okay, or if it is super-sized. Anyway, here is the Windy II sailing into Port Washington on Friday afternoon... ** DELETED ** Nope, that was far too large... let's try again... Ahhh! That one seems to have worked -- here come some more...
  17. Do we have a specific date for this? The movie release date was announced to be July 7 -- is that the weekend we are talking about? If that is the weekend in question, I know for sure I will be unable to make it to Iowa for this. First, it sure is tough driving a car with a hook. But that is the weekend of the Civil War Reenactment in Wauconda, IL, which we have been planning on for a full year -- it will be the first ever full family Civil War event for us.
  18. And I have a fancy new way to open those pesky cans. Or if folks PM me their addresses, I can print up a few more (what's another thousand, eh?) and send them for-real copies. Enclosing a SASE would be most appreciated. Three costume contests in as many days, and Lady B and I walked away with Best-Dressed in two categories! I guess we looked rather nice, you think? Of course, I pelted the judges with gold coins, and initiated the audience in a chant to vote for "Number Two! Number Two! Number Two!" Repeating this while a couple other contestants were strutting their stuff didn't hurt my chances. The judge even announced that I won fair and square on the merits of my clothing, before he drove away in his brand new Lexus (honestly -- he announced this to assuage the crowd's fears that the contest might have been fixed -- and included the Lexus comment). William Red Wake, I promise to post some photos. I have to get them OUT of my camera, ONTO my computer, THEN into my Photobucket account, THEN into the Pub. Takes me a bit o' time, as I am having a bit of technical difficulty with the cropped .jpgs I saved.
  19. Just returned home. But I feel as if I just left home -- Boy, I had the greatest time. It could only have been better if I sailed aboard the Windy II for free and was welcomed as a member of their crew... Or if I got one of Black Sam Flint's hooks for a hand. Or if I won first place in a pirate costume contest. Oh, Wait... all of those things happened! It was the best weekend ever!
  20. His faithful horse: Horse
  21. I plan to be at teh Bucaneer Bash with a bottle of Captain Morgan in front of me. Enjoy both at the same time, I say. But seriously, we can take a wander from The Bash over to Foxy's, get an eyeful of Morgan & the 'Ettes, and wander back. Looking forward to seeing you all again! Logging off now... Today is Finish All That Pirate Crap Day. The store that sells hat blanks doesn't open for 3 more hours...
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