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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. CRAP! Whatt happened to my Astrolabe avatar? I had that since Day One when I joined the pub! Crap! How DARE the owner of the image remove it from the Internet? Dammit!
  2. Mark Your Calendars! Port Washignton is already planning for next year! I presume they will not object to my posting their e-mail in its entirety here: A great big THANK YOU to all you Scallywags that helped make Port Washington Pirate Festival 2006 a success. We will see you next year! June 1-3, 2007. Planning is already underway. If you are interested in being a vendor, a performer, a sponsor or a volunteer, please email us at admin@portpiratefestival.com Port Washington Pirate Festival June 1-3, 2007 Reenactments ~ Music ~ Merriment ~ Mayhem ~ Marketplace Port Washington, Wisconsin www.PortPirateFestival.com 262-284-6652
  3. Here, let me help you off with those...
  4. Damn! I found the other reference I was looking for (had to re-read the entire book... yet somehow missed it -- found it on the THIRD read!)... but still no dates. Here it is: From "The Spanish Main" (1979) volume of the Time-Life "The Seafarers" series of books, page 18: "Spain's New World empire, vast and still growing, soon would encompass not only the Caribbean Sea and the Mexican mainland, but also Central America and South America, with their fabulously wealthy Indian civilizations. This sprawling dominion surrounding the Caribbean basin was known as the Spanish Main. At first the term was used only for the continental mainland, but it soon came to include the ring of islands bordering the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, from Trinidad in the south to Cuba and the Straits of Florida in the north, and eventually it was also applied to the waters that stretched between the colonial lands."
  5. Capt. Sterling... PM me about this. Might be able to offer you (gratis - free - no obligation) something you might be interested in. Cap'n Pete Straw
  6. I was distracted during the entire movie... had too much to do, so I pretty much ignored it "live" in the living room while I taped it on the basement VCR. The first ten minutes featured a pretty decent hand-to-hand combat, which looked GREAT -- considering I paid it almost no attention whatsoever. Missed almost all the rest of it. Interesting little bit with the hidden code (treasure map) in the letter, some stupid stuff about a pistol-toting woman, reavealing information about how Richard Chamberlain's good looks have not held up well with age, and ... who was the Scottish guy with the scraggly beard in the wifebeater T-shirt? At 10 pm, I went back into the basement to rewind the tape and re-tape the show, this time catching all the opening credits. From what I saw, this is the Greatest Pirate Movie Ever ... (bear with me)... to put in the VCR when I cannot get to sleep, pretend to be entertained by the opening fight sequence, then fall asleep because there is nothing engaging in it that will keep me awake. This will be a very valuable tool in my Insomnia Sleep Aid Library.
  7. Really: Laughing Out Loud! Father's Day. My children are at their Mother's home this weekend, so I decided to treat myself. This morning I am having a breakfast of: Caviar! (Got addicted to the stuff while in Russia) Lumpfish caviar (best I can afford in The States), on buttered wedges of whole wheat bread, with fresh dill (picked from my garden last night) liberally sprinkled on top. With a steamin' cup o' coffee.... 'cuz vodka isn't always a wise choice at 9:00 am on a Sunday morning
  8. Dixie Chicks "I'm Not Ready to Make Nice" on MTV
  9. Hasta la vista, Baby.
  10. Allright, that was about the funniest thing I have ever seen.
  11. Regarding Pirate's Cove, there were an awful lot of rules to get started playing it (my three of my kids became quite impatient waiting for Mandatory Family Fun Night to get started). However, once we started playing, it was rather fun. Until the battles moved off the board to actually between the gamers... Ah, the fun parenting dynamics of trying to make your kids play a game together. But my point is, I highly recommend this game. Just not with my kids. I recently acquired a copy of Dread Pirate, and cannot wait to play it... Hopefully with someone other than my teenagers. The game and pieces looks great. No review from me yet. In fact, I found this thread to read what others may have said about this game. I gather there is no point in adding my own deep support of the Pirates of the Spanish Main CCG. I also saw that there is a Pirates of the Caribbean version of Monopoly. Nice looking pieces, and clever tie in to the theme. I would love to play this game, but I've tried playing Monopoly (Batman theme) with my kids, and my wife tried gnawing off her own arm to escape the horror.
  12. My daughter (now 11) absolutely loves this book: How to be a Pirate by Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (by Cressida Cowell) The book has some goofy illustrations, maps, etc., about a bunch of Viking pirates, some dragons, and a bunch of misadventures. I have not read the book myself, but skimmed through some of it. For a book reading it might be rather long, but selected chapters would be great to add to such an event. I am jealous! A Pirate Book Reading! What a great idea!
  13. Finally! Ye all posted something about an upcoming movie in time for me to tape it! I keep seeing these posts after the pirate movie marathons are over! Local (Chicago) time, the movie is on at 7 pm, and replays at 10 pm. I'm setting the VCR in the basement to catch this one. Will also stop by a Hallmark store during today's errands to check out that promo card thing...
  14. er.... ewwww. Pyrate Phil, that is truly more information than I needed. Use some lotion so the "clapping" is not so loud. Listening to the SciFi Channel's Dr. Who Marathon. I am taping it, so I can watch it later. My priorities are alll screwed up... I could log on to the Pub ;later, and watch the shows now....
  15. All better. It was a 24-hour thing, I guess, but those 24 hours sucked like Hades. What am I eating? My third Guinness of the evening. I told you I was feeling better!
  16. Francois -- very nice, indeed. I was engaged in the bidding wars on several of those Jason Isaacs coats on eBay. My only satisfaction is that I didn't let the the high bidders get them at a bargain. Actually, all the coats I bid on went at quite a bargain (IMHO) -- they simply ended up out of my personal expendable cash range. And, after purchasing a replica Jason Isaacs hook at Port Washington, that range just shrunk, limiting my ability to obtain an actual Isaacs coat to match my hook. Rather ironic, I think.
  17. Theraflu. Thanx, Christine. I had a nap, but the windows are all open, and it's in the upper 80s outside. I turned on the air conditioning and let the cats into the basement (whatever do they do down there?) Gonna try to get back to sleep.
  18. Here are a few recent titles which should be added to the list: Peter Pan (2003) the one starring Jason Isaacs Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) -- granted, this has not yet been released... but oh so very soon... Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) -- This is only a pirate movie if you wish to argue about the fine distinction between "pirates" and "privateers". There is a nice bit of dialogue in the movie about this very point. I personally consider this among the best sea battle movies of all time, and let the detractors remove it from their personal Pirate Movie lists.
  19. Local morning news on tv. Going back to bed shortly (home with the flu) and will resume Pirates on the Caribbean upstairs on the DVD player... Will Turner just cold-cocked Jack Sparrow with an oar. Seen the movie so many times, I find it an easy tool to lull me back to sleep.
  20. Petting the cat. She won't leave me alone. I am at home with the flu, and she doesn't think my time should be spent sitting at the computer. Going back to bed in a little bit... Only got up for breakfast, and to see what all you guys are doing.
  21. Cmpbell's Chunk Chicken & Rice soup. With a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. Home with the flu. The cat is upset that I seem to be paying attention to this computer instead of spending my time at home petting her.
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