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Dread Pirate Lavender

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About Dread Pirate Lavender

  • Birthday 04/11/1969

Profile Information

  • Location
    Colorado, Usually
  • Interests
    Lesseee.....hrmm... wine, women and song? Oh wait; that's been done. Well hell, it's still accurate. =)<br> <br> Actually, my single biggest interest right now is me family. I have 7 little bilge rats of me own and they keep me damn busy... The pic I posted as my photo is my 6-year old, Boo. He's awesome. Wants ta be a pirate when he grows up, too. And a knight. And a Jedi. And Spider-Man. Hmm... =)<br> My oldest is 11, youngest is 2. Ask away!
  1. Hmmm..... mayhap we should bring a small shower curtain along to Faire ta carry with us, so's you could feel comfortable... *thinks hard* ...We'll work on that angle more, later... Have a good sleep, Lass!
  2. Ahhh.... *sneaks a peek at the Turtle in the shadows* It seems the shadows have lessened a bit. If I'm not mistaken, our new Turtle is a cabin... GIRL! *theatrically flings out his sword, pointing more or less in DATurtle's general direction* *the crowd murmers amongst themselves for almost a full 3 seconds, and then turns back to their drinks...* Well, it was a revelation to me, at any rate... The offer is still open, Turtle, if'n ya can sing! Or play an instrument passably well... If ya can't, maybe you could be comedy relief... or maybe I could be... I mean, if I'm gonna be in Purple and lace, I could a little help deflecting the looks I'll get from guys, hmm? A little dis-trac-shun? SAVE ME!
  3. Oh, and Nigel... if he starts his own "crewe".. does he HAVE to use the final 'e'? I mean.... really...
  4. Nigel, damn you and your mention of Deja Vu.. Now I'm gettin' it meself! Turtle, at Colo Faire, check out Badger Blades (formerly Skycastle Swords).. you can even see the website of the same name.. badgerblades.com... My sweetie works there (Kitten) as well as a friend or three... more work for Rennaissance Leather (Also known as Skin and Bones) with a like website... Anymore I just watch the kids and visit faire a few times a year. I get all my Faire time in at Michigan (Where I DO work for PendragonCostumes{.com}) and at TRF in Texas (where I work for the aforementioned Renleather... *Deep Breath* *smiles* :)
  5. Ar, just fer the record, I LOVE the dead fish look... reminds me of a girl I once had in school... umm.. WHere was I? Oh, yeah... I live in Thornton, Turtle-boy, and I know where Westminster is... I hit the Mall there on occasion and the Wal Mart, too (It's a SUPER Wal Mart...*gets all giddy like a shoolboy*) Haha... ok, ok. Everybody CALM DOWN! Relax and the shark wont bite you... they only eat tense, type-A personality types. Its a well-known fact that sharks never eat people who are relaxed around them.. see? Just slowly reach out and pet his little nose... nice and slow... like this.. See? They know I'm not afraid of GAK! Ack! Me Arm! Me Arm! Anyway.. sorry bout that tangent there. Twas a wild one, I know. *smaks head* Ok then. Hey Nigel. Pendragon hasn't had a booth at Colo Faire for like 8 years or more now. Haha.. Old fart... Anyway... We're all a bit landlocked, tis true, but what do we need water for if we've got the grog? I mean, the French may insist on a bit of water with their alcohol but why would a Pirate bother? We can party here like Landlocked Pirate RockStars! Umm.. wow. Been a LONG day... Pre-Christmas freak out, I guess. I think I'll be ok. Just give me some air... Err.. did I say hello? Hey, Turtle... Do ya know how ta sing? I'm thinkin about getting a nice little Shanty group together... Admittidly, my Pirate Music knowledge is limited to the Jolly Rogers from Kansas but Nigel knows quite a lot and I can always bribe him for information with doggy treats or some such (he's actually sort of simple.. a savant, kinda.. but he's nice enough if you keep around a selection of chew-toys). Bye Bye now! Arr!
  6. Ar, just fer the record, I LOVE the dead fish look... reminds me of a girl I once had in school... umm.. WHere was I? Oh, yeah... I live in Thornton, Turtle-boy, and I know where Westminster is... I hit the Mall there on occasion and the Wal Mart, too (It's a SUPER Wal Mart...*gets all giddy like a shoolboy*) Haha... ok, ok. Everybody CALM DOWN! Relax and the shark wont bite you... they only eat tense, type-A personality types. Its a well-known fact that sharks never eat people who are relaxed around them.. see? Just slowly reach out and pet his little nose... nice and slow... like this.. See? They know I'm not afraid of GAK! Ack! Me Arm! Me Arm! Anyway.. sorry bout that tangent there. Twas a wild one, I know. *smaks head* Ok then. Hey Nigel. Pendragon hasn't had a booth at Colo Faire for like 8 years or more now. Haha.. Old fart... Anyway... We're all a bit landlocked, tis true, but what do we need water for if we've got the grog? I mean, the French may insist on a bit of water with their alcohol but why would a Pirate bother? We can party here like Landlocked Pirate RockStars! Umm.. wow. Been a LONG day... Pre-Christmas freak out, I guess. I think I'll be ok. Just give me some air... Err.. did I say hello? Hey, Turtle... Do ya know how ta sing? I'm thinkin about getting a nice little Shanty group together... Admittidly, my Pirate Music knowledge is limited to the Jolly Rogers from Kansas but Nigel knows quite a lot and I can always bribe him for information with doggy treats or some such (he's actually sort of simple.. a savant, kinda.. but he's nice enough if you keep around a selection of chew-toys). Bye Bye now! Arr!
  7. I know I'm new here and all but...You'se guys er funny! Sounds like a blast was had on the planks as well as off 'em...
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