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Capt. Lucinda Waters

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About Capt. Lucinda Waters

  • Birthday 07/08/1974

Profile Information

  • Location
    Cleveland, OH
  • Interests
    Meeting interesting people, ren faires, acting, stage combat, sewing (especially period clothing), and pirates!(duh!)
  1. I have ta admit I was nervous about sayin' me age. But when I saw everyone elses...I don't mind admittin' I turned 30 this year and not doin' too bad if I say so meself...my pic is actually only a month er so old. I also have ta agree, I feel better the oler I get. I think it is the confidence.
  2. Seein' as I could group meself as a re-enactor bein' a part o' GLMF, I can tell ya I have my own personal pattern that is both: the waist is fitted and as ye go down it gets looser...wow...that sounded really bad! and it's fitted again right below the knees. I do a lot of fightin' on stage during the swelterin' month of July, and I can tell ya I have enough movement to fight, but not so much fabric swayin' around to get yer self tangled in. And while "baggy" may be fine for roamin,' ya haven't felt anything until ya have a handful of a lord in tight velvet leggins'! ...not that I know anything about accostin' the lords....
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