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Status Updates posted by RuthlessAnne

  1. Slight headache I woke up with became a full blown migraine. What a waste of a beautiful Sunday. :o(

  2. MMMMmmmm, I LOVE waking to the smell of bacon cooking!!! I HATE waking up and realizing that smell is coming from one of the apartments in the complex behind my cottage. :o(

  3. Ok. My tongue has some seriously deep teeth marks from biting it all day. But, to my credit, I didn't say what was on my mind. I think I deserve at lease a Klondike Bar. At the very, very least..........

  4. So Fabio is the new Old Spice guy?? Wasn't his 15 minutes up, like, 15 years ago? Bring the other guy back! He was awesome!

  5. Whooo Hooo!! 9:15 on a Saturday morning and my chores are DONE!! Nothing left to do but enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  6. A very, very minor change. But I didn't have to do "the dance" to get my jeans up and buttoned this morning!! Whoot! Whoot!! Just the push I needed to get me through the weekend!!! :oD

    1. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook


  7. *sigh* Sooooo, my ceramics class was just cancelled, too. I should have eaten the effin' cake!!! Majorly disappointed. :'o(

  8. <---- is not partaking in the monthly birthday cake. :o| (Skinny thoughts! Skinny thoughts!!)

  9. So, we already know about the big tax hit to my check. But I just got notice that my health insurance just TRIPLED! My water bill hit my mailbox 8 days AFTER it was due so I'm going to have to fight late charges. And I found out I don't get paid for holidays yet so my check is a day short. Having an eff'd up financial day. >:o[

    1. AlexRoberts


      Take a cutlass to them!

  10. Ugh! So much of my paycheck goes to taxes I should be allowed to claim the IRS as a dependent!!! Will wed to be able to claim the "married" exception again!!! :o|

  11. <---- is thinking skinny thoughts.

  12. <----- is lookng forward to having dinner with my children tonight!!! Miss my babies!!!

  13. Putting the feelers out. We are looking for a temporary admininistrative assistant to work in the Legal Department for a couple of weeks. I need someone with STRONG MS Office skills. Experience with litigation helpful, but not mandatory. Must be able to work with "strong personalities" - and I'm not speaking of myself. If you know of anyone, please let me know. Thanks Guys!!!

  14. Ugh Monday. I just don't feel like dealing with you today. Can't you come back tomorrow instead?

  15. Note to self: When trying to start a new diet, caving in and eating all the "healthy" food in one sitting still defeats the purpose. :o| This is going to suck.

  16. OMG!! If you haven't watched Surprise Homecoming yet, make sure you have a whole box of tissues handy!!!! Super touching!!!

  17. Have done all the chores I care to do. Wanna go out and play today. What's everybody up to and who wouldn't mind a "third wheel"??? :oD

  18. Beach weather was awesome today. And I actually remembered my sunscreen this time.

  19. Dear Lady with the unbelievably unruly child in the grocery store: Screaming at him at the top of your lungs for all of us to have to hear? Not helping. If you can't control him in public, leave him at home next time. :o|

  20. Got my pathology results - GREAT NEWS!!!! ALL CLEAR!!! Was just a "weird looking blood vessel" and it's all gone now. :oD Made my day!!

  21. I just became a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Finally an organized religion I can get behind. ;o}~

  22. Morning FaceBook Peoples. It's almost the weekend!

  23. :oD Still picking clay out of my nails. Made a couple of really elementary pinch pots. But it's a start. Now, I just need to wait and see if they end up canceling the class because we're ONE person short. :o|

  24. Breaking News: I survived my biopsy without anyone holding my hand. No actually, that's big. 'Cuz anyone who knows me, knows I'm the biggest Puss in the world when it comes to things that make you go "Owie!"

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