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Salem le Rouge

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About Salem le Rouge

  • Birthday 08/06/1974

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  • Location
    SF Bay, CA
  • Interests
    It is no coincidence that Marie Antoinette was executed in October.<br><br>La vie au règne de terreur! <br><br>I am taking a brief sabbatical from a long career in cancer research to pursue dreams of professional photography and artistry, with some item of notoriety and fabulous discourse, o'course.

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  1. 'Allo all. How might a pair of landlubbers (myself and me newly wed...but mostly me) come to become hands with ye old salts?
  2. Though I wounldn't a been able to buy me a golden ticket, looks like a grand occassion. And nothin better than to see some new goins on for me favorite holiday. Good luck to you and your venture. Perhaps I be able to give a visit in the next year of business.
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