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About pippy

  • Birthday 10/06/1985

Profile Information

  • Location
    Toronto, Ontario
  • Interests
    Pirates, punk rock, reading, writing, boozing, hockey, mystery of any kind<br><br>note-- i am the monkie sidekick to an undead pirate. we be vampirates. we be NOT pirates of the carribean... they be thieves of brainwaves and stole the idea. but they be forgiven for johnny depp's sake.

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  1. I have to say, I never "got" Spongebob... I couldn't take more than five minutes of it without wanting to scream. The 3D adventure at Canada's Wonderland is pretty cool, though, if you're not already sick to death of the Spongebobapolooza they have going on. I once went to ten Tim Hortons stores looking for a strawberry tart. They gave me free ones when I finally found a store that wasn't sold out because I'd spent twice as much on gas as the tarts were worth. If you're ever in the neighbourhood, get a tart from Timmie's and go to the Spongebob ride at Wonderland.
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