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About Tavish

  • Birthday 08/13/1971

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Las Vegas, NV Desert Oasis or Spitalfield
  • Interests
    Drunkenness, Plundering, Pillaging, Wenching & anything to do with blackpowder.

    Aside from being chained to me desk as the ships' chartographer and leathersmith you can also find me in thar depths of a ship on the cannon crew. Watch yer step or ye could end up as cannon fodder.

    If ye bring a sword to the fight, Iz be bringin the ultimate hand weapon to a fight. Nothing can match the might of a good ole Blunderbuss.
  1. What about bar top laquer the stuff that when dries become like 20 layers of varnish? just make sure when you use it rather using a brush as you found out has a habit of pulling out some of the bristles. use something like a if i can spell this right....a squeegie. can be an old credit card, stiff cardboard or a thin 1/8" plywood to help spread it more evenly and fast. just make sure that you have it leveled and if airbubbles start to form before it dries and hardens use a paperclip or needle to pop the bubbles.
  2. I wished I lived in the area near you. I used to work as an upholstery for a few yrs before the company bellied up and closed up. Id offer my services if youd buy the materials whether it be vinyl or leather and Id do it for a 12 pack of beer and you buy my lunches and Id do it just for the previledge to work on them to see how they were built. For Ive been wanting to build my own someday for my own place. Sorry
  3. to find yourself a new lock....try a company named Ohio Travel Bag they carry locks just for old trunk chests and such for those who wish to refurbish their grandmothers' old trunk. Look them up they have a web site. I just don't remember if you have to have a business tax ID or not to purchase from. good luck
  4. airbrush on canvass boardgame
  5. Atten Tavern Owners Call To Arms, Plenty of Gold and Rum all around. Greetings from Tavish the Pirate This will be my next project coming this winter and I look forward to having it done before Ren season begin next year as a future prop. Im sending this out to everyone I know. I am inquiring to anyone who has a Tavern within their groups or guilds that would be interested in having their tavern names and their tavern owners/workers and their positions along with the location of port where the tavern is located to be included in a recreation of the Pirata Code book that I will be making soon. I assure you no ones Tavern names will be plagerized for republication for sale. This is something that I am recreating like from the movie Worlds End which if anyone saw in the Collectors Edition and saw on the second disk of the Masters of Design how they made the book, unlike them who created the book out of real wood planks, over 1,000 pages and weighed over 85 pounds and caused several prop people injuries trying to pick up this heavy thing during filming. Not to mention was so heavy that Keith Richards had a hard time opening due to its weight that the Prop Masters had to take the book behind stage to cut out excess weight of the pages inside the book with a circular saw to lighten its weight for Sir Richards. A fellow coworker and I have developed and mastered a technique for carving leather to make it look like real wood with wood grain with less the weight of real wood. I work as a leather saddlemaker and got the idea after seeing the movie and how they made the book for the film to make it out of leather. It doesnt matter if you have an official Tavern or not. You could also have made up Tavern name in your home or basement. The Red Dragon tavern, or the Blue Crab or Rosie's Tavern in Singapore, anything whether or not its a tavern you have hosted at a Ren fair or one in your basement home bar. Just as long as it sounds good and that your names will be used as the owner/propriator of the tavern, and who is the Keeper of the Peace, names of serving wenches or cabinboys if your an all female tavern owner, the bartender, the cook. Anything as long as its all in good fun. And a location of your tavern, i.e. Spitalfield, Cork, Ireland, London, Lisbon: Portugal, etc. So all Im asking if anyone is interested in having their Tavern name, the Tavern workers, such as the keeper of the peace(bouncer/s), cook, scribe, bartenders, Head Wench and servers, the Tavern's geological location. So when at all possible if you could provide me a list of those names using their ren names and positions would be great thanks. And just like a modern critic Ill show from 1-5 daggers to rate the Taverns with 5 being the highest of all. If anyone is interested and would like to see their Taverns in thar Pirate Code book please get in touch with me off list with the name of your tavern, location etc?This is strictly for fun and entertainment purposes only, not for republication for sale. Please contact me with your information. Dont Burn Me Rum Tavish
  6. BumbleBee pirate

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