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Black Crowen

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About Black Crowen

  • Birthday 06/09/1985

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  • Location
    The cold sea of Northrend
  1. Ahoy there. I'm back again. im thinkin about givin' up this thing called love.
  2. *Breaks down and starts to cry* Why do I feel like this? How can a lady affect me so? Even in me dreams she haunts me. Who am I tryin to fool? I love her. But im afraid to tell 'er. *Pulls himself together* Fill up me tankard with some orange juice. Aye, I said orange juice. Keeps that bloody scurvy at its bay.
  3. *comes in with a sad look upon his face* what is a man supposed to do when he has lost all hope in love?
  4. it seems like I have no true love but the sea.
  5. 'What shall we do with the drunken sailor' Performed by Die Piraten Running Wild - Pirate Song. and of course the soundtrack of Monkey Island.
  6. Arr, Im shy to talk to a fine lass. I curse meself for that.
  7. Ahoy Mateys. Im from Sweden.
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