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About Whibbles

  • Birthday 08/10/1985

Profile Information

  • Location
    The Frivolous Fag
  • Interests
    Big guns, big swords, big hooks.
  1. I have two short points to make about what's been written... - I do this mainly from an aesthetic perspective. I enjoy the manners, the clothes, and the violence in an abstracted, perhaps detached sort of way, as sensual impulse, and not much else. If you want to summarize that as 'wine, (wo)men, and brawling', I imagine it's not that far from the truth, though not especially spot on.. -As I come from a very old family, I live among history all day anyway-furniture, etc- and am used to seeing history and people from the past (as in family legends etc), as a part of life today. Therefore the limits between history and presenty fade, and have, for me, just about disappeared. Therefore it is not an escape, or an experience, for me to assume a guise of history, but normal. I wonder if anyone feels the same about blurring of limits between history and present time like this.
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