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Everything posted by Katerine_La_Rose_Noire

  1. Mine is mostly cotton machine and hand sewn. Now me husband in his leather pants makes me look pretty authentic!
  2. I did as Duchess suggested....though I finished the 1 I made with drapery fringe on the ends.
  3. So I've looked online at several sashes ranging from $50-$9. Yesterday at the fabric store...I found satin on sale ($2.50 per yard) and grabbed some fringe from the drapery dept. No my question is fer ye weathered seamstresses....How long should I make the sash (I've seen 10 ft. online for orders...but is this the optimal legnth for about a 33" waist)? and what width should I cut the fabric to? Thank ye Kat
  4. I took ye suggestion and while I was out stopped and picked up a pattern....even if it only be for lookin at....I didn't waste much on it 99ยข! So today sometime I hope to price out the fabric. If'in ye come across another cloak fer a good price though drop me a line, as I'm limited with time on makin this one. Thank thee~ Kat
  5. I got me Hat here....I was going to get the blank, but decided to be lazy and get the one already tacked up and with plume. Isn't it a great feeling when it all starts coming together? You did a great job on yer garb! Kat
  6. Excuse me fer my ignorance...I be rather new to the Pyrate life, but wonderin' what the norm be? (Mod...sorry if this is in the wrong Forum...please change if I should've put elsewhere) Kat
  7. 'Tis worth the bookmark! Thank ye fer sharin! I'll be checkin' back for the Well Dressed Wench link...as I am always in search of links for more plunder!
  8. I'm prolly not of much help....but me husband and I do be makin our way there at times too since most of his kin are thar. We tend to plan this rather conviently around Mardi Gras time though, so the kin can keep the lil' pirate lass. This year we'll be headin down around the time of Easter for the crawfish boils. If this be the time you are headin send up yer flag or do the modern thing and send me an email.
  9. I need a good recommendation fer carryin' me stein/purse...etc. Do many of ye use a belt and attach onto it? Thank ye in advance fer help with this! Katerine
  10. I've only just begun and the answer seems to be no. I thought it would be just the skirt/blouse/cincher this year.....last night I ordered a hat and boots **whistles innocently** Most recently I decided I would be freezin me pirate lass buxomness off if I didn't obtain a cloak by the end of the month........I need to do more of what Pynch does and hit the second hand.
  11. So I be lookin' for a 6 ft +, pointy eared, leather wearin Troll...that be answerin' to Stritch? Hope there not be too many of ye trolls about. Anyone else?
  12. Do any of ye pirate lasses have a good recommendation for cloaks or capes? I don't want to be freezin my buxomness off at the Ren Faire later this month!
  13. :) Aye, I hail from the heart land as well. I'm an Ohio Ren Faire Virgin, but will be making my way there the final weekend in Oct. Send up your flag or drop me a msg if yer plannin to attend that weekend!
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