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Everything posted by Daniela

  1. As for the mild dislexia, write in a different color ink and use a different color font such as orange, red or green. It really does help. Also when considering you attention get a small tape recorder to put your thoughts down on. I have one friend that uses Naturally Speaking Dragon for all of her writing. It takes time and patience but can work great! Hope this helps.
  2. Wow. Thats something I would like to see in person.
  3. Way too cool!
  4. A toast to a very well done site. I kenna wait fer it ta be finished.
  5. I don't quite fit into any of these categories but I'll be takin a stab at it.
  6. Twas a grand time had by all!
  7. Oooohhhh I'd love a home like that. A smaller cannon would be perfect on my back deck. I could shoot snausages at my great aunts dog.
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