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    Pirates of the Caribbean, Captain Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp, crafting, kegling,bingo and PTA.<br><br>I volunteer at C.O.P.I.N. house in Niagara Falls, a safe home for PTSD and substance abuse victims, especially houses Viet Nam Vets. I am very involved with my church and our Veterans project.
  1. I belong to Pirates of the Caribbean Interactive project. POTCIP It was started in 2003 by a lovely Canadian lady, and her idea to turn POTC into an interactive movie, based upon interactives of Rocky Horror, has been a smashing success. We are always looking for new members(free) and persons willing to put together an interactive in their town. Interactives that have taken place include Canada, Tampa Bay, Portland,New Jersey, Biloxi, and Atlanta. I am putting together the first NY state interactive at the lovely Historic Riviera We hope that members here will be able to check out the sites and perhaps attend one of the upcoming interactives. Thanks for your time in advance. Captain JackSparrow
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