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About Pynch

  • Birthday 04/25/1965

Profile Information

  • Location
    On the Western Shore of the Chesapeake
  • Interests
    Illustration, Tattooing, Piping, Shanty-singing, Motorcycles, Kayaking, Renfaires, the Fam, plotting my move to New Orleans, corsets, beer/beer/tequilla/wine/beer, boots, cramming 48 hours in a 24 hour day, and of course, all things Pyrate.<br><br>I am also a tattoo artist with<br>britishink tattoo studio & gallery<br>508 H Street, NE<br>Washington, DC<br>my portfolio: http://www.chesapink.com<br>the studio: http://www.britishinkdc.com<br><br>

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  1. The great highland bagpipe. No kidding. My neighbors hate me.
  2. I'm impressed, as always.
  3. Hmmm...Ni'all... The same lad I put a mark on oh, perhaps a year ago? Turtle and Hatchets mebbe? If so, tis one more reason I'm sad that I missed the festivities this year.
  4. ::blows a kiss to Cap'n Pern from far off Southern Maryland:: Alas...again...I'm working in Cap'n Pike's stead inking the masses. Drink one for me.
  5. Prayers are the best. Cash is a darned close second. Folks, if you can, send something...even if it's only $5, to the Red Cross and mark it for disaster relief. There are a lot of poor families that have been hit hard and it may be months before they can assume some sort of normal life. In NO, the 9th Ward is gone and I'm pretty sure these folks don't have two dimes to rub together. They are going to be living hand to mouth for a long time to come. I'm sure the same applies for many families in Mississippi as well. Every little bit helps.
  6. Reminds of something my insurance agent said yesterday... "Mother Nature must have an ex-husband in New Orleans." Twas about the only funny thing she said.
  7. Anyone heard from him? He's a New Orleans resident. Cap'n...check in and let us know you're alright!!
  8. Thanks Hurricane. There's a lot of folks down there that are going to need a LOT of help. BTW, has anyone heard from Captain William? Last I checked, he's from New Orleans.
  9. I made it out on Sunday. Unfortunately, I missed Madam Macaw and you Crimson, but got to meet a few others. I was the sweaty idiot in a black Calico Jack JR tee and a cowboy hat. Garb and a motorcycle don't mix, hence the Southern Maryland look for me that day. Ah well, hope to meet more of you next time out.
  10. Wow Ace! Many props to your artist...that's wonderful work. You should both be proud. Pictures Capn' Gage...we need pictures...
  11. Glad she miss you all, but the b*tch destroyed my house. I am NOT a happy l'il pirate at the moment. I'm safe and dry in MD, but the house I just bought this winter in Uptown is smashed.
  12. Being from Southern Maryland...cain't be anyting but "Yee-Haw!" Usually followed with "Hey Ya'll, Watch This!" Then a short trip in an amublance.
  13. Heh, a JR on the back of a l'il blue Matrix just doesnt' have the same effect I'm afraid. :)
  14. Your package fulla birdie feathers from Mayrland is en-route!
  15. Well dear, go forth, enjoy the day and if you hear a ticking trash can, run like hell in the opposite direction!
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