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About LadyoftheSea9

  • Birthday 02/16/1987

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  • Location
    Stoneham, MA
  • Interests
    Ren faires, PotC, costumes, writing, music, art, romping with sea-farers...

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  1. I went on Sunday, and I must say, it was fantastic. I dressed as Elizabeth from "Pirates of the Caribbean" and generally appeared to be the only one dressed as such... but it was interesting, to say the least. They didn't have a ton of vendors, but Silvermane tends to make up for that because they have everything from jewelry to weapons to garments to collectibles. Did I unconsciously see any of you there? Anyone go on Sunday? (If you did, i was the crazy one running about in the gold dress with the white hat and the fan). Oh and... yeah. I just joined this board. Let me see if I can get my bearings. I'm so used to Livejournal Communities... o_O;; ~Lady of the Sea.
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