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  • Location
    Portland, Oregon
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    PDX Pirate Raids<br>http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pdxpirate/<br><br>Rifle, Loot and Salvage Companie<br>http://www.underablackflag.org<br><br>Black Powder<br>Cap'n Bogg and Salty<br>Golden Age Pirates<br>Sewing<br>History <br>Tall Ships<br>Rubberstamping and Illuminating

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  1. Buy a small jar of "liver of sulphur" from a craft lapidary /jewelers supply. It oxidizes the silver. Polish the raised areas stays in the cracks. The jeweler should have had this on hand.....????
  2. I think a nice old fashioned belay pin would look spiffy! It's not a weapon , it's an 18th C "personal" device
  3. Happy happy late BD Quartermaster. Hope yar feelin' better than last we spoke Raised a few for ye as well as Billy here in Portlandia's Chinatown. Ye were missed at the shindig! It was shiny! I have a certain mysterious package awaitin' ye! -Stormfeather
  4. Sending ye my rather late Birthday greetings as well, Billy. Haven't seen yar mug for a year an a day! Since my last Birthday when we careened the ship near yar port... This year the Party Assault Vehicle only made a day trip to PDX's China Town and back. We visited all the finest taverns though and even raised a Singapore Sling or two to ye with the Sandy River Sluts! all the bes to ye, mate! -Stormfeather
  5. I have to admit I no naught where Douglas County, Oregon is... But if it's within a day's sail of Portlandia ye will wanting to be signing on here.... www.pdxpirate.org
  6. Aye, thar be a regular customer base of middle aged pirates to be found shopping at "Goth in a Box". The only reason to go to the mall, me thinks.
  7. Well, so much for "What happens in Tortuga stays in Tortuga"! And, aye! I'll be hard pressed to top that next weekend! 'Twas also a pleasure meetin' you and Chain Shot. May fair winds bring our courses together again soon! Weelll, I coulda posted the picture! You mean these pictures?????? Happy BD again from a fellow Aquarian Pirate!
  8. Ahoy Billy! I'm sorry to be late in my greeting! Just when I had recovered from the plague other members of my household succommed to the wretched thing... Hope ye had a good one., and many more years of pillaging to come to ye mate! It was a pleasure meeting you (and False Ransom And Chainshot , also from the pub) at our recent ship careening near the Falls of Silver in Portlandia. It was a pleasant weekend stay at The Arms of the Sea Inn, where we celebrated Billy's, Jigme, Capt. Tony and my BD's ! Watery Aquarian's all. Here be the the evidence... SeaTowne Pat's Pics: http://tinyurl.com/2nr839 Aye, that be Sasquatch! http://tinyurl.com/23qnrn Who hired this crew???!!! http://www.flickr.com/photos/16972149@N00/ I haven't posted Mercenary Mary's pics yet....
  9. Aye, agree p'haps a fantasy persona is good fer what ails ye! My "sea witch" has a tie-dyed linen chemise, seaweed hair and a lightup shipwreck (complete with Kraken) on her hat- not to mention a very scary trident. She goes to SciFi Cons and the like, but has been knowne to threaten a bad pyrate (or faerie) or two. Can't hardly take her seriously. Just fun.
  10. Well said Kass. From what I hear 'bout your coffee house that would be a great addition. Coffee was more popular (and common) than tea during this period, was it not? I always get in trouble with my crew by suggesting that pirates (or sea going gentleman or marines or gentry) drank anything but ale or rum! But it seems to me that serious plottin' for plundering, or plans for pirate hunting would be better acomplished under the influence of caffeine served by lovely women (who of course could also be spies!). Stormfeather is well known to aid and abett piracy (and monkey stealin'), in her own subtle way and looks completely innocent while serving a pot of gunpowder tea and assorted biscuits.
  11. PDX Santacon 2006 Favorite bacchanalian event of scary Pirate Santas- Stormy Santa and Dread Santa December 9th AND December 23rd Portland, Oregon Aye, that is a light up kraken on me hat....
  12. reworked this one I did... 8888888888 Santa Matey 8888888888 (Sung to “Santa Baby”) Contributing pirates: Grundie and Santa Stormy Santa matey, slip a saber under the tree, for me I've gotta slight problem now, Santa Matey, I'm worried 'bout those brigands tonight. Santa Matey, a custom built war frigate too, light blue Something for me entire crew, on you Santa Matey, I'm worried 'bout those brigands tonight. Think of all the fun that I’ve missed Think of all those Sea Lords that I haven’t kissed We all be doin’ a pirate's work But mate we need yar help against the foes that lurk. Santa Matey, I wanna yacht and really that's Not-- a lot And a hold full of shot, Santa Matey, I'm worried 'bout those brigands tonight. Santa Hearty, there's one thing that I really do need, the deed To a shipyard and then, Santa Hearty, I won't worry 'bout those brigands tonight. Santa Matey, an island full of Aztec ore, and more! Draw your 'X' on the map Santa Matey, I won't worry 'bout those brigands tonight. Come and sail my Christmas sloop We'll drink and sing and dance right on the poop I really do believe in you So tell me Santa can ye fill a Mate’s dream or two? Santa Matey, forgot to mention one little thing, make me Queen! of the Pirates and then, Santa Matey, we won't worry 'bout the brigands tonight. 'worry 'bout the brigands tonight. 'worry 'bout the brigands tonight.
  13. I'll be making me way to join the red tide soon, and we'll be singing that one, ye can be assured! I'll raise a tankard of porter in yar name mate!
  14. Huzzah to Mad Jack! I love the bad uncle angle! Ye should be publishing a Pirate Carol song book mate!
  15. These things are addicting....been looking for more mad carols... Some carols were shared with me for a songbook (without noting any author credit) by someone who was leading a pirate caroling event. I made up the cover and turned the file into a .pdf for distribution and posted it previously here: http://tinyurl.com/v64qy I later found out during my own web searching that the source of some of these carols is on the following website. I believe in givin' props so here's the URL: http://home.earthlink.net/~piratefan/Pirat...stmasSongs.html ---------------- I looted the following from the Puzzle Pirate gamer site- PIRATE! They had a Pirate Carol writin' contest a couple of years ago. *****Santa Matey***** (Sung to the melody of Santa Baby) Contributing pirate: Grundie (Palaemon's Pirates) Santa matey, slip a saber under the tree, for me I've gotta slight problem now, Santa matey, I'm worried 'bout those brigands tonight. Santa matey, a custom pre-built war frigate too, light blue Something for me whole crew Santa matey, I'm worried 'bout those brigands tonight. Think of all the cannon shot that's rained On those scupperin' Sea Lords that me crew has slain We all be doin? a pirate's work But mate we need yer? help against the Imps that lurk. Santa matey, I wanna yacht and really that's Not a lot And a hold full of shot, Santa matey, I'm worried 'bout those brigands tonight. Santa hearty, there's one thing that I really do need, the deed To a shipyard and then, Santa hearty, I won't worry 'bout those brigands tonight. Santa Matey, an island full of Lorandite ore, and more! Draw your 'X' on the map Santa matey, I won't worry 'bout those brigands tonight. Come and sail my Christmas sloop We'll drink and fight and pillage down the Opal Loop I really do believe in you So tell me Santa ye can fill a Christmas bid or two Santa matey, forgot to mention one little thing, make me king! of the Pirates and then, Santa matey, we won't worry 'bout the brigands tonight. 'worry 'bout the brigands tonight. 'worry 'bout the brigands tonight.
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