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About CharlieQ

  • Birthday 12/04/1953

Profile Information

  • Location
    Fair Hill, Maryland
  • Interests
    History, particularly the Napoleonic/Regency Era<br>Medical/Surgical History<br>New & Old Maritime & Pyrate Music<br><br>The Website's a "work in progress"!
  1. What's a "hoy"? I'm afraid I'm not but a humble surgeon... :) Looking forward to the day, and the evening sir!
  2. Kind Friends & Companions, Available: One pair of well-maintained, highly polished "Revere Boots", hardly worn. Sadly, they're about a half size too small (9 1/2). Rather than having them "stretched" and weakening or ruining the leather, I offer them to the brethren (for $200, the price of laudanum is going up)! Your Servant, C. Quesenberry Ships Surgeon Photo: http://www.wincingdevil.com/HdG2007/070505_100252.html
  3. How did this happen? More importantly, why didn't it happen sooner? I got into the music end of things first by way of me playing mate Captain Brad McClary and Ships Company. The chantey nights led into the history aspect of things, me being ye old ships surgeon & physician,. From there I ventured into the pyratical/historical aspects, and more bad influences from the likes of Captain Fletcher Moone, Duncan McGuyver and other scallywags whom I've come to know and heartily respect (but don't tell 'em that!). Then, in late 2007, I went to my very first (at my age, no less) renfaire, here in Maryland. Okay, I'm done, show me ships articles to sign! Oh, and the wenches, did I fail to mention the wenches? From the Guild to the bevy of lovely lasses I've chanced to meet, never have I met a more diverse, sincere and good to the core group of people.
  4. Guitar here, a vintage 1978 Ovation acoustic/electric, plus 4-string tenor banjo, 5-string bluegrass banjo, and the new one, a Goldtone 6-string Banjitar. Oh, can't read a single note of music either...
  5. Well, if I can't strap on me sword, I'll strap on me guitar or something and we can at least sing & drink together (or is that drink & sing together) from pub to pub...and one (at least) group toast for the Black Fox's absence... Your servant, Charlie Q
  6. Take heed brethren, there be a chantey night scheduled for March 1st, Saturday evening from 2000 - 2200 hrs (that be 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. for the lubbers) at Crabby Dick's in Delaware City, DE. Coordinatin' this here evening be The Salty Dogs, with able assistance from member(s) of Ships Company & SC Chanteymen to boot. Questions: E-signal me at CharlieQ2@yahoo.com or 443.466.6110. Aye, 'twill be a night in rig as well!!
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