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About RummyGal

  • Birthday 04/22/1967

Profile Information

  • Location
    The Revel Grove, MD
  • Interests
    Sewing, quilting, computer, web page designing, family, kids, purple, ren faires
  1. It was also nice to met bunches of new faces, but I'm terrible with remember who :) We need to do a set time every weekend to catch up with regulars at MDRF :) like me I uploaded my pictures this morning from both days: http://www.sunflwgal.com/myfairealbums.htm
  2. 11:00 sounds good to me.
  3. Very beautiful! And I have to say I love your name, Kendra ----so much I named my youngest it :) Now I know who you are on LJ, thanks to Macaw :)
  4. Being the Pyrates Royale performance starts at 12:30, I was under the original assumption we are meeting up right before they perform. It would be extremely rude to gather and be loud during their performance. And being they are true pirates, it would be nice to show them a supportive audience So, while ya'll figure it out, I plan to be there at 12:30 Can't wait to met more pirates!!!
  5. I'm definitely in. I don't want to speak for them, but I am sure Rummy Gal, Blender Wench, Crimson Cosair and probably Duncan would be interested. Maybe send a PM? I'm in....ya think we can get them before next weekend???
  6. I was given some smart tactics today from Blenderwench and decided to create my persona. It reads more like a short story...sorry folks. But feedback would be cool. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rummy Gal Persona I was born as Renée Black to a mother of the streets. My father was unknown to me, but rumor had it I was one of many of Captain Blackbeard’s abandon children. My mother’s line of work and lifestyle left little time to raise a child properly, so I was left to my own devices and wondered the streets of Charleston, at an early age. I learned many things about that world, many I wish I had heeded in my now adult life. One day, I think I was about nine, a wife of a wealthy farmer took pity on me and my neglected appearance. She stated that she saw some beauty that shined under my simple clothes and street grime. This lady of statue and grace confronted my mother in requesting to remove me from my current life. My mother being her unusual drunken self easily agreed to letting me go and never to return. So, from the streets of Charleston, I was uprooted to the country hillside to live at the Blanc Plantation. While Mister Blanc was originally from France, he and his family had done well with the plantations north of Charleston and were a part of the high society within the area. In order to better fit within my new statue of society, the farmer’s wife and husband renamed me, Antoinette Blanc. The wife was barren and so I soon became the daughter of The Blanc’s and was whisked away in to the society that was theirs. Etiquettes, manners, dances, schooling lessons, parties, fine clothes, were all freely given to me and I ravenous and craved the attention. I remained with the Blanc’s until they started wanting to pawn me off to the highest bidder. You know, you can’t marry for love or lust, only for money and being I was the only daughter of this wealthy family, all suitors from 16 to 48 were interested in me. I might have been shy, but I was able to speak my mind when needed and it ended up getting me into serious trouble. Finally at one point right after my 18th birthday, my father threatened me for the last time. “You’re 18 years old and still not married, if you are not married by your 19th birthday, you’re on your own!” Well, of course push came to shove, I left and being a woman of 18 with no real family, I set out to search for my biological father. I traveled up the coast line until I came to Beaufort, North Carolina. I was able to locate my “father” through a series of local taverns and contacts. Needless to say he didn’t want to take me on his ship or play the father role. Of course by the time I had found him, I was becoming desperate and my emotions caved in and he actually felt sorry for me and suggested to join Captain Duncan’s ship as a scribe, being I was well taught and fluent in several languages and it would be most helpful to the captain. So, we have been traveling up and down the coastline for several years and while I don’t necessarily approve of our way of life, we drink, have fun and challenge life to the fullest. I still remain quite shy, but don’t let that fool you of my bite. I bite nicely when asked and nibble without asking. I have been told my fingers are magic for removing those nasty knots at the stem of pirate’s necks and for scratching the scalps on those really bad bug days. I have also been known to drink most pirates under the table, how else do you think I acquire my booty and my nick name Rummy Gal. Yet, from time to time I still hear other nick name given to me, An-twat-nette. It’s a lucky pirate who gets the honor to use that name freely, most others I have been know to kill on the spot. I have yet to met that one man who will turn my life back to being respectful and to be honest I doubt it will ever happen as now. I’m a pirate like my father and I think it was always in the blood, but hope remains, as do my dreams somewhere over the next horizon. My motto is “Beware of the quiet ones”.
  7. I too, like Macaw will be following my Cap't and crew, but hope to met up with you and maybe wonder in your direction. With still 2 weeks away, I have yet to plan
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLENDER!!! It's nice to have an entire week of celebration....bring on the party!!!
  9. Just an fyi, I updated/changed my name here for easier recongition. Moon Shadow will be deleted in a week or so. Carryon.
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