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About Dr.Wanna
- Birthday 02/23/1957
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Hungwell Dynasty
Medicine, amputation, specimen preservation, blood letting, hangover cures, studying anatomy (male), plundering, treasure hunting.
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There's been no lollygaggin' from me, oh My Captain........(waving her hands at all the carpenters to get off th' ship).....I just been gettin' ready to go down below and see if Santa brought me that hot tub this year.....pay me no mind......carry on, Captain........... Yers In Service, DrWanna
Merry Christmas Studley!! Oh, you were such a quiet and good roomie when you were there! May you have a most bountiful Christmas and a truly deserving New Year.......(grins as she mails Sheila to Studley.......MMMmm......I see fireworks ARE ON!!!!!) Yers In Duty, Dr.Wanna
CAPTAIN!!!!!!! I have done a final sweep of the living beings here, against the mighty Pacific Ocean Northwest.I have found no other beings here with what is required to become a POTC......requests my permission to board the ship,and allow me to travail back to the port of Key West. It be miserable, cold and misty here.....and dey are yellin' that snow is commin' for Christmas!!!! I beseech you, to allow me back aboard so I can go back to my hot tubs,hot buttered Rum and my hot, buttered popcorn! Alas, the Doc is sick to death, with a most miserable cough and sneezes, and am in dire straights right now!!! DrWanna (doctor in the crinkled bodice, thanks to Animal) Your Tired but Loyal Servant
"Its wabbit season" "Its DUCK season" "Its duck season" "Its DUCK SEASON SHOOT!!!!!!'..................... Dr.Wanna
Well,fellow pirates?How be the south and Florida weather today?A bit nipply.....oops,nippy??????Hear the temps went bass-akwards last nite,there.Sorry,guys. I hate cold weather.Me and Animal went through all of our boxes from Key West.My bathing suit smells like I am back there. I MISS FLORIDA!!!!!!!! Dr.Wanna
Ahoy Cheryl,I'm Dr Wanna,(Animal's keeper),and I love my tiels.The good thing about them, is every one is different. The best I remember is to never feed them citrus, tomatoes,onion,avacado. Don't let them near Christmas plants,(mistletoe and poinsetta),as they are deadly.Also,never give them chocolate. They live 20-30 years!!!Happy teachin.....My Male and female says Yo-Ho. Double Rum To All Dr.Wanna
siggghhhhhhhh...............dat Animal kin be a 'meeen MA when he be belly flopped thru the bilge with no rum in him......I weel fix 'im a drink dat will knock his socks off....heh heh heh Dr.Wanna
Beggin' da Cap'ns Pardon,but if me birds get loosed can yas imagin me runnin thru da hood yellin......screamin orrrrrgasm,where areee youuu??????? Thank you big Pais' fer yer blessin.....I guess you all know yer in my head daily.HUGGGGGZZZZZ DrWanna
I luv Cockatiels tooooooo.......they imitate owners sooooo well!!!My male bird,LittleBit is now learning to sing,"Yo Ho, yo-ho,A pirate's life for me.....hey can yell YO everytime I sing.LMAO. Sheila,I have been thinking about Sheila too!!!Lord help us all,if the birds hatch an Olaf or a....a.....NIGEL!!!! (DrWanna falls into a daydream.....a bird tiptoing thru the home....SSSSHHHHHHHH............) Round a drinks on meeeeeeeee.........haha,da Aminal is not here.....let's rouse some Rabble!!!!!!! DrWanna
These photos could be used,along with thr Rendition of poem,The Night before Christmas,would make good Christmas ecards for friends,do y'think? Dr.Wanna-Ships Doctor.Caring for Cap'n Hurricane and Crew (full time job.....huge benefits........wink,wink
It seems my cockatiels have staged a "lovefest" since our return...... up til today ,I named them all, Named two eggs....#1 being Poppit....#2,I named Paisley......alas egg #3 arrived today and more may come,the way these two birds are gettin at it,LOL.Name suggestions???? Hugs and a Tankard of Elixir to All (Breakfast....the most important meal 'O th day,y'know) Dr.Wanna..........
Awwwww c'monn y'all mischeivious mollycoddlers,everyone knows Animal has a soft side......it be the side I tuck meself into everynight.******Evil Winks*******C'meeeeeeere Aminal.............
Alas, Myself being a Dr. upon the 7 Seas, have never seen a crew member get drunken, starting at the toes and then the drunkenness risin TO the brain!!That was written up in me Medical Histories!! Poor Nigel,when I was told of the pink scrawlins,crawlin all over his body..I had no choice but to prescribe a total soakin in a vat of hot water and the srubbins of steel wool,surely to be follwed by 3 tankards of strong medicine !!LOL...Seems to me,he had the worst case of Pink Paisley-itis ever seen,love ya all....what a wonderful crew.Hmmmmm.....I thinks I need to come back there straightforth,I am still needed,eh???? Dr.Wanna "Dr.Ivana-Anne Anita Sum-Yung-Guy Iff'n You be my friend,call me Dr.Wanna If ya ain't me friend,don't call me at all"
I found the easiest way to the Animal's heart is a nightly bath in Coconut Rum. Dr.Wanna
Capt'n Hurricane, I be reportin' fer duty. I'm signing on as the ships surgeon and medicator. I 'ave 'eard that tis is da ship that needs the most medicating. Looking at the green tint to some of the Portlando crewe, I think that a special medicine is in order. Show me to the sick bay and I'll start cooking up something fer the green tinge of the crewe. **leans over and scratches Animal behind the ears** come with me, it's time for your rabies shots. Dr. Wanna