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  • Interests
    I like to sail and play music. I am a sailmaker. Marlinspike sailor. Rigger and Canvasman. I also enjoy Plundering local supermarkets and Houses on the coast.<br><br>No Quarter Given
  1. I Made and are sleeping in My own Hammock. Very comfortable. You can Make your own if you like. The Ashley Book of Knots Tells you How. But if you like We can hold some sort of transaction. trade. Bargain Perhaps. and ill make you A Sailors hammock Worth the name. Now what skills do you offer in trade? I dont take money Nor Favors so get that outta yer head I am an apprentice sail maker, Canvasman, Rigger, and Marlinespike sailor. Some Skilled more than others But I get the Job done. John
  2. make one. take a pistol with an action like the one i acuired from disney world a long long time ago before orange things.. and put some pop rocks on it thn it will pop! then with your other hand pump some smoke from a bag that is pre filled.. by the way whats the difference between a pirate pistol and a regular pistol?
  3. Now where could i find such a Fine Instrument as that?
  4. Ive thought they would make a treasure Island Remake for a long time now. especeally with the popularity of the whole Disney Carribein thing.. They should make a good billy bones.. one that looks like he could take on a hundred men and eat them alive .. like the painting in the Treasure island Book.. I love that painting.. Another book i like alot. is purely fact and is really good is Two years befor the mast its not a pirate book but i like it and i do belive there are some pirates in it though.. But anyways.. did sailors and pirates have "peg Legs"? I wouldnt want a peg leg... sounds difficult.. Much Respect
  5. It mightve also been because from the begining of the movie i was disopointed in the Billy Bones secuence. i dont know why but he has always been my favorite Fictional Pirate. and the actor they got to play him wasnt very strong just looked like a weak old man to me. Didnt real pirates bring back parrots and such from the tropics.. there are even real modern pirates who steal parrots from Rainforests to sell.. I heard theres a pretty penny for one er two macaws..
  6. Well i think maybe it all goes back to teasure island movie.. didnt he have a parrot on his sholder? i saw the movie when i was small then a while later read the book then went back and watched the movie..and then i realized somthing. the move made no since whatsoever.. it was an ok movie but no one watching the move had any idea what was going on.. did anyone else notice this? John PS oh and "gutterpunks" dont have to be "punk" at all and they dont have to be homeless ether they choose to live in the streets, for whatever reason. and i chose that name because the way i see it, they are the modern "pirates" of today (besides the ones in speedboats) minus the stealing on the sea. and are often veiwed as living a very romantic lifstyle, and having true freedom. just as modern people think of pirates
  7. And where, my i ask? is a stereotype in my profile? or are you just stereotyping me yourself? If your refering to "gutterpunk" thats someone who lives in the streets .. computer technition- someone who works on computers Pirate- someone who robs on water i.e. river pirates- Etc etc.. to actually be a stereotype would be that if i had an eye patch a peg leg and ran around saying arr with a parrot on my sholder.. to "label" someone means just because you like somthing or do somthing someone will "label" you for it as a stereotype. like i like metal therefore i have been called a "metalhead" I in fact am not a metalhead. I like regge music i do not smoke pot Etc. Etc. OR someone wanting o be accepted into a certain group has to adhear to what the "group" likes not because he/she likes it but because they want to be accepted therefore conforming to the "Label" The "Punk" sterotype is young hoodlums with moehawks and tatoos going around stealing and playing horrible music and breaking windows and killing cats..etc etc Forgive me if this dosent make sense and is a little jumbled but im a little upset that someone would call my way of life bullshit. http://www.myspace.com/goodwhiskeyharbour
  8. I just dislike stereotypes of any kind and I feel no need to categorize people at all so call me crazy (thats another label)
  9. make one thats what im tryin to do cost me 45 pounds (just fer the seamstress o course)
  10. Kinda sad if you ask me.. But What do i Know anyway
  11. Ive never heard a pirate say arr! ive never said arr nor have any of my comrades said it.. ive never even read "arrrgh" anywhere in novels.. so the point of this inquiry is that why do people think arr when they think of pirates? I know I dont, but i dont go around callen meself a pirate, other people call me that when i steal them blind.. and sail off into the setting sun yelling "To Hell With "arrgh"" and other random curses.. but then id of said it wouldnt i? John
  12. www.tarsmell.com
  13. This is pretty straightforward.... where can i get Tared marline Ive searched the seven seas of the web and cannot seem to find any.. Guess i might have to make my own i have an idea how but would like to know others opinions and expertise Thank ye John
  14. Gutter punk is a derogatory term applied to young homeless often Traveling individuals that are thought to, but may not actually prescribe to the ideals of the Punk ideology. Punk ideology is Individualism, anti-authoritarianism, political anarchism, free thought, and ethical enlightenment are concepts, and many others.. as for 13 its my lucky Number.. Much Respect John
  15. This is a stupid Question But were boots of that time period really like the ones on potc? and i looked at the museum replicas boots and they arnt exactly like boots id want to wear everyday..and thats what im lookin fer some period boots i can ear everyday. Sorry fer buggin tha Craythur outta ya.. Much Respect John
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