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  1. http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4255 We're not an "official crew" as such, but we welcome one and all to come carouse with us on our adventures. As can be seen, there are several upcoming events for this year. Please PM me, or drop a line to me at our website, and we'll be happy to give ye more details.
  2. Silent, You're very welcome, and we hope to see you, and any others who stumble across this topic out there this season!! Ciao
  3. Ahoy Silent! Hail and Well-Met! Allow me to introduce myself. I am 1/3 of the singing group the Thryce Wycked Wenches. We are a pirate/renaissance entertainment group that travels about the country leaving mayhem whereever we end up. You can find us at Thryce Wycked Wenches. There are a few things of interest for you in Spokane and that area, however, if you are up for a drive, the West side of the State is where most of the happenings occur. Here's a brief overview of things you can look forward to this year.... May-June - NWRF (NorthWest Renaissance Festival) Nine Mile Falls, WA (about 15 minutes out of Spokane)NorthWest Ren Fest June 10-12 & 17-19 - Port Angeles Renaissance & Pirate Faire, Port Angeles WA Port Angeles Faire June 29-July 5 - Tacoma Tall Ships event, Tacoma WA. Now this is a biggie, they are expecting 20-25 class A Tall Masted Sailing vessels. Promises to be delightfully entertaining!!Tacoma Tall Ships July 30-31 - Pacific Northwest Scottish Higland Games, Enumclaw, WA Not exactly piratical in nature, but a good time to be had, nonetheless. Scottish Highland Games Aug 6-7, 13-14 & 20-21 - Washington Renaissance Fantasy Faire, Gig Harbor, WA. WRFF Good fun, pirates running about, great beer. There are many more of these types opf events in Washington, and neighboring Oregon. Hope this helps though. Mayhaps we shall meet!!
  4. I fyou're looking for drinking songs, and don't mind a shameless plug on my part, check out the Thryce Wycked Wenches at www.getwycked.org Good drinking music, and just all around good time. We'll also be at PIP in two months.
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