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Black Pearl

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  1. Hmmm, tough decision.........oh who am I kiddin'? I take 'em both. Just think of all the fun that could be had corrupting young Will (or Orlando) into a proper pyrate. oooooooo- me timbers are a shiverin' now!
  2. If anyone knows and hears anything about auditions for POTC2 let us know. The guys in my pirate group auditioned for POTC1 but weren't missing enough parts to get cast and they didn't want to auditon women....bas*&^@ds
  3. Aye, Savannah probably be one of the only cities for Georgia piracy due to it's small little islands, Savannah River, and being close to Charleston. Check out http://www.thepirateshouse.com/ You'll find the story of Captain Flint and how he haunts the Pirates House restaurant and how tunnels under the restaurant were used to take drunken men out to the ships to forceably become pirates. Go to the Pirates House (it's downtown Savannah practically on River Street) and take a look. Really cool inside. You can see the stairs down to tunnels. They have a 1st edition of Treasure Island and lots of pirate stuff on the walls. But, don't bother to eat there- good food, too expensive.
  4. Rupert aka Blackbeard- "pyrating" those other teams goods left me laughing for a good 20 minutes. The look in his eyes and the lack of hesitancy in procuring the items- a true pyrate at heart. I'd raise a mug with him anyday! Here be to Rupert
  5. ROTDLMAO! Well spoke, mate.
  6. Black Deacon, I be a wantin' to purchase a couple o' the Loyalist Arms cutlasses but was a waitin' to hear from someone on whether they will hold up to stage combat. Our previous discussions in a topic forum ages ago had a couple o' pyrates buying some but n'er did hear word on stage worthiness (unless I be too blind or drunk to see the answer). When I mean stage worthiness, I mean the day in/day out "real" use hack & slash. No wall hangers. Full tang a must. Handle secure. You understand, mate, since you have a stage show. Ye word to experience using these be greatly appreciated.
  7. *salivating and eyeing up Quill's reale coin necklace* Must... resist... shiny...beautiful...coin...necklace...precious... *hands straying towards daggers* *reality slap to face* *knows Quill's hidden several flintlocks amongst her person and will defend her treasure* *common sense says Quill's got friends in high places esp. those with cannons onboard* *extends a greeting instead* Quill, That be a very fine bit o' treasure. Any pirate 'twould be proud to own it. Beautiful.
  8. The soundtrack is great on my computer or theater system, but in my truck with it's poor ole' cassette-to-CD adaptor, the bass on the CD creates such a horrid noise that it sounds horrid! Does it stop me from listening? Nay, never, not in a million years!
  9. Nearly had to pick myself off the deck, I dang near went into a swoon (and pirates DO NOT swoon, sway maybe, but NEVER swoon!) when I laid me eyes upon the Cap'n. Quite fine and sturdy sea legs ya got there, Cap'n! :angry: And, aye, thy raiment be fine as well
  10. I agree with Capt. WE Roberts- Danny Elfman on music. Genius. No Knight's Tale crap...sorry everyone, it be on my top 10 worst movies of all times. Granted Heath Ledger is easy on the eyes and ears but poor boy just can't act his way out of a paper sack. I still go and see all his movies anyway for the drool factor. Any plot is fine as long as there be friggin' in the riggin' and every one dies in the end (good and evil). Tons of combat- just NOT choregraphed or taught by Bob Anderson whose older than the hills and outdated. Let's get some young blood.
  11. I just bought a musical pirate ship from the craft store "Michaels" (Southeast US). I normally don't go for this kind of kitsch but couldn't pass it up with the 40% coupon I had. It retails for $49.99. What be it, ye may ask? Well, it be a pirate ship (galleon?) about 12" in length and it sits on a fake blue plastic ocean (3-dimensional) which has treasure, bits, and a dingy with a pirate floating in the ocean. So what, ye ask? Here be the kicker...you plug it in and the ship rocks back and forth to the sound of the ocean, pirate captain shouts some orders at the other pirates, cannons ka-boom and light up, pirates sing "yo ho ho" AND they are all skeletons! Ship is called the Sea Ghost. Very nice ship with lots o' rigging and Jolly Rogers a flying. I couldn't find a web site to link to for this ship so happy hunting...
  12. Shhhh........... dare not say that too loud or me reputation may be ruined!
  13. Red Maria, I found that adhesive I used to iron my design on my flag. It be called HeatnBond Ultrahold Iron On Adhesive. I purchased it from a craft or sewing store (probably Michael's or JoAnn Fabrics). Works great. Good luck with your own flag.
  14. Save your money eating at the Pirate House in Savannah. The food was good but the prices were too high (just ate there last week). It's a beautiful house and you must look in every nook and cranny at the cellars and stuff on the walls. They have some pages from the first edition Treasure Island. Captain Flint supposedly died upstairs and is said to haunt the Pirate House.
  15. BlackDavyIrons, Check out the topic "Pirate Swords" in this Plunder forum..it's a few pages back. Lots o' details about swords and cutlasses.
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