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Mark Leser

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Everything posted by Mark Leser

  1. I identify with a less-known guy named John Callice. The fellow seemed to have about 9 lives....
  2. A professional Pirate - muppet treasure island. Kinda corky because it's a kids song, but still my favorite http://www.menvafan.net/pirat/songs/Profes...ionalPirate.mp3
  3. Funny thing I wondered today.... What musical instruments would you see aboard a ship? I can't think of any besides possibly a piccolo or a tin whistle.
  4. Black-leg Mark
  5. If all ye want (or wanted) fer your birthday is a sextant
  6. Hell I'll pay the money just for that carved-out pirate
  7. ~~You refer to your car as 'the fast galleon'
  8. Oh my WORD! I Love it! If I had enough I would seriously consider buying one.
  9. I wouldn't like to meet you in a dark alley
  10. A question for ye corsairs, do most of ye talk like pyrates every waking day in real life, or just on the 19th o' September? I sometimes forget me words and say things like "I plays" instead of "I play", or "me bucko" instead of "my friend", Among other things. Sometimes me pirate lingo comes out of me in real life without me thinkin' much.
  11. You missed me coming to this forum Welcome back, I'll buy ye a drink if you're feeling rather exhausted
  12. Hello sir. I have not yet met ye, but it seems now I shall I'll be filling yer tankard and the like if ye be wanting something to drink.
  13. I knew that was the only answer in the end. Just like in the Last lines of "Long John Silver"
  14. Please friends, 'scuse this topic if ye see it as a dark light. As most of ye know, centuries ago the world was different: across Europe was a land no one knew too much about. Places on the other side of the globe had only started to be colonized. The only real means of travel to the new world were by boat. This led to the golden age of piracy as the mother country tried to keep in touch with her colonies. But this is something ye already knew. Then came the trains, the cars, the planes, and the just newly discovered space travel. Along side that, we can talk to people halfway across the world in seconds. I can turn on my TV and find out if there's a fashion show in Paris (or something else like that) - hell, I could be there within a day. With this new age of technology, many things have been swept aside: most of the countries of the world have lost their own cultures, beliefs, and even religions. The japanese learned this very quickly when we stormed into Tokyo bay - they were still following samurai codes at the time. Now there's nothing that will stop them from going back. The same happened with the whole of Europe. At one point almost every country in Europe had a different Religion - the Scandinavians with their Norse gods, the English and Celtics with their Celtic gods, Greece, Gaul, Rome, Prussia, and any other country you can think of. Like I said though, this new world has brought us much closer and any old religion is now just folktale and nothing more. But this is something ye already knew. This new world has not already swept away the unique-ness of countries, but professions and jobs too: one of them was being a pirate, and here's where the point of this resides. Many people have seen the movie Pirates of The Carribean and know that there are no more pirates today - even if one wanted to go out and live like a pirate, the closest they could get would be hired by Disney or work at a fair. Sure some could have their costumes on and work at fairs and gain money - but it's still a far life from boarding other ships and taking plunder. No more pirates exist, the "Pirate's Life" has vanished beneath the waves as iron-clad warships have taken over. And what has caused the change? Technology. But this is something ye already knew. Is there any way to still live as a pirate, in a wooden ship with flintlock pistol and cutlass at side? Surely many have said it's a long dead profession, but what do ye think?
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