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Gentleman of Fortune

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Everything posted by Gentleman of Fortune

  1. Ok... I am waiting for the video of this being fired!
  2. Seems like most pics of "period" tricorns are on folks with both feet on land. They just seem un-practical for ship borne use IMHO. But get a sailor on land, and well... anything can happen. Regardless, I just don't think you can go wrong with a quality Monmouth cap... Cheers
  3. It could be... Hard to say. Enigma for sure!
  4. Brit Privateer... Awesome shoes dude... awesome
  5. OUTSTANDING! Great shoes... cool buckles too!
  6. AWESOME STUFF GUYS! Really, Really, REALLY Impressed. The hobby has come Sooooooo Far in 5 years, largely due to your love and dedication! I have been outside of the pirate thing for a while, and didn't even know of the "Forsaken" Crew... God help us if they ever go Roving with the ArchAngel! Billy Beach... Holy Toledo. Speechless. He could make a living going to schools impersonating Ben Gunn/Robinson Crusoe. "Pirates" have been on the curriculum for VA Beach Public schools for Decades now, and I know first hand that they have paid certain Pirate Impersonators several hundred $ to give 1 hour talks at schools. There are over 60 Elementary Schools in VA Beach (I'll let you do the math!) Keep em Coming! You guys are inspiring me to do an update of wwww.gentlemenoffortune.com It probably hasn't changed in 3-5 years. Sigh.... where has the time gone! PS Any suggestions for the gof site, PM me!
  7. VERY NICE guys... very nice! William Red Wake... I was putting him in the que to put up next.. and he beat me to it! So many great photos of him. And, of course, there is the Capt Sterlings Crew! I am always amazed at their tireless efforts to make the hobby better! I went to the Archangel site... to get(steal) some pictures to post here... but couldn't figure out how to steal em'... lousy pirate I make! Keep up the good work guys!
  8. J8ksdad Very nice! Get some tooth black and some "pox" scars and folks would "stand back!" I miight have to start a seperate thread for pics of ladies & wenches... But here is one I stubled across... Great Job Redjessi !!!!
  9. Some REALLY great stuff... I especailly like the striped slops in Missions post #10... the guy with the blue jacket... forgive my ignorance, but who is that? Whoever... well done sir, well done! FIrst Mate Matt What a great shoe/slop combo you got there! Obviously, you have put a lot of time/effort/energy/thought into your kit! Here is another that probably doesn't get the praise that it should... M.A d.Dogge... Most Impressive, Most impressive. I don't think most re-enactor have an idea of how cool that is. I doff my floppy hat to you in AWE! While I appreciate some of you guys who are very humble, and describe your kits as "simple"... there is really no such thing. Nothing accurate is simple. I really dig Brass' 1660s kit. Its the attention to detail that knocks my socks off... LOVIN' the shoes! Well Done Brass, Well done!
  10. Bo You Gotta here the narration on the Honey Badger... it'll bust your sides! Great pics guys.. I wasn't leavin' anyone out... Pat Hand is in my personal Pirate/Bucc "Hall of Fame" awesome re-enactor. Matty... love that short jacket... and its lined with some righteous checked linen too! You are doing great! I myself have lost a ton of weight... well, not a ton, but 40lbs over the last year... Switched to a vegan diet and the pounds are just falling away... But thats another post topic all to itself. Keep the pics coming guys... VERY impressed!
  11. Wow... you go on a couple years cruise and you miss all the good stuff. So I'll be late to the party and add my two cents worth... but its probably worth less than that these days. Anywhoo... I like Foxe's cirteria, but I will add two more things to the list, though I am not sure what I would break out under the headings 6 Pirates of the GAOP elected to resort to piracy in reaction to the Socioeconomic & geopolitical forces that were broadly affecting Europe/Americas. 7 (and I am not sure of the best wording for this but here is a stab at it) Pirates of the GAOP are quasi united by a similar "fashion" period. Now the arguments can fly here but I'd argue that a 1690 pirate/sailor in his clothing would not really be out of place in 1722... but prior to 1785ish or so, the sailor fashions were different, and after about 1730ish trends change as well. Yes, Justaucorps changed... yes, there was a difference in which fabrics/colors would be fashionable at any specific time along the way, but in the 1690-1725 couldron of fashion that is a lot of overlap as styles wax and wane. You could see petticoat breeches along side of slop hose. Slop hose themselves seem to fluctuate in legnth during this period.. Tied shoes and buckle shoes... buckles of similar size (but GROWING after 1730) For re-enacting purposes it can be a blessing (and a curse). I used 1680-1725 on my website... Which I like, so I am using it.
  12. No wait... one more! Cpt Bo is one of my favorites. He is the honey badger of the he Pirate Re-enacting world... don't believe me... And I mean that with the greatest respect in the world Bo! we are just eatin' your scraps. Well, done sir, well done!
  13. LUCAS WELSH His post stated, "No frills, just a simple pirate" Ironically, its not simple at all! I am loving the look! Nice job on this outfit... love the slop hose... and the shoes look great too! OK.. I am done for now... please post some of your own!
  14. I have seen this pic before, and I wanna make sure it gets all the kudos it should Cuisto Mako... Is that not just INCREDIBLY AWESOME???? !!!!!! Its one thing to talk the talk, but dude, you are walking the WALK! Great Job! Now get outside and stand around a campfire!
  15. Ahoy Shipmates! I only drop by the Pyracy.com port occasionally, and one of the things I like to do is see how the state of authentic pirate re-enacting/lving history is doing. Some of you old deck hands are really plugging away at it and its impressive. Some of you new(er) folks, are standing on the shoulders of those that came before and are REALLY doing a top ship-shape job. If I could be so bold, I'd love to have/see a thread in C-Twill for just those pictures of you guys in your "accurate", "authentic", "period correct" or whatever its called these days, pirate kits. I know some of you aren't there yet..... BUT please post pictures of your "in progress" kits too! YES - I know there are galleries and other threads on this site for pictures, but we usually have to sift through the pirate belly dancers, hollywierd skeleton pirates, and Jack Sparrow clones to get to the "autheticals". Not that there is anything WRONG with that stuff... the priate community is, after all, a big ol' sailing ship with plenty o' room for all types. So... for the innaugal photo, and the picture that inspired this thread... I present somebody other than myself, as I can't seem to find any pics of me in my stuff... my avatar is all I can find. Anyway..... Ivan Henry... come on down, you are the next contestant on, "Man, your kit is AWESOME!"
  16. I don't stop by here very often, and its a shame... But Ivan Henry, you look awesome! Keep up the good work! PS Notice cool PTG hat on my Avatar! Kristy Buckland made it for me about 7 years ago or so... Yeah, before it was cool!
  17. I guess anything is possible right? Rifles would be fairly expensive... so you could create some scenario where a rich European was going to the Amercas and brought his Rifle with him and...... yadda yadda yadda. But If Rifles were on a boat in numbers, they probalby had folks on board that knew how to use them... and thus wouldn't present an easy prey for the pirates. I am sure some young whipper snapper will pipe up to the contrary, but I'll say, Its my OPINION, that Pirates, by nature, were looking for the easy money and that means easy target. Lets go after the merhcant ship that has 26 sailors on board.... 145 to 26... love them odds. Lets skip that Armed merchantman with 100 sailors and armed... not good odds. I think you could get the most common GAOP long gun (whatever you argue that is) and it would still probably be the ONLY one at a 2012 re-enactment/event. I vote for the Buccanneer Musket... WAY COOL and way Period
  18. Good work! What a difference 7 years can make!
  19. Bo... you nailed' it. Looks outstanding! What a cool idea, and useful too. Cheers!
  20. WRW Dude that is an awesome flag! Kudos to you and the wife!
  21. Foxe is probalby your man to answer that question... I would imagine that "if" a pirate vessel were to capture a vessel with proper black material, than yeah... it would probably be made into a flag. But what if the material seized is heavy coat weight black wool? Not good for flag flying, but good for selling? This is where I say, what we, in 2012 think is cool and "right" shouldn't drive the GAOP historical train. The priate flag was a tool used to scare other ship OUT of fighting and INTO surrendering. Its evident that from descriptions of period flags, while they have some commonalities, there was variance over time in color and devices used. Overtime (probably at the very end of the GAOP) they get more and more "settled" to being a black flack with a skull. Definately by the 1800s, that is the pirate flag de rigueur. In modern living history/pirate role play, we look for reasons to justify what we WANT to wear. I am generalizing here, so bear with me and reserve the "but.... but...buts". We WANT to wear fancy dress, and look like gentlemen pirates with fancy silk etc etc... so we rationalize that by saying, "i captured a ship with this on board and I am wearing it now...." Thats cool, and maybe it did happen, but probably the exception, not the norm. The average pirate cared less about shaking up the early 18th century social norms by wearing clothes beyond his stature, and more about selling the said clothing to make MONEY and buy WHORES and LIQUOR. If you ask me, thats what piracy is all about... whores and liquor! So, if said pirate captured a bale of black wool, I am thinking that they would be saying...."wow.. we can sell this at the next port and get drunk and laid!".... more than they would be saying... "whoaaa, look at this fabric! I am seeing "cool pirate flag" here mate!" Capt Death Black Dealer Jones: "You know Back Hearted Jm Jam, I have been meaning to upgrade our Yellow Pirate flag to something more menacing, something more "modern" in Pirate flags... have you seen Black Beards flag???? Not THATs a pirate flag! This black coat material, though heavy and not good to make a flag out of, would look very intimadating with a skull, crossed bleading hearts, a hour glass with wings, and a 200ft tall Japanese Reptile breathing nuclear radiation out of his mouth.... think you could sew one of those up for me? Black Hearted Jim Jam: Um... aye Captain, that would be a grand sight indeed... arrrr.... Of course though, we could make our way to Torguaga and sell the fabric... then find Molly Littledove.... Captain Death Black Dealer Jones: Molly Littledove???... the Barbadian beauty who is round in the counter and bluff in the bow? Black Hearted Jim Jam: Aye Captain, the same... Captain Death Black Dealer Jones: (shouting) ALL RIGHT YOU SCURVY DOGS... ALL HANDS ON DECK AND SET SAIL FOR TORTUAGA!..... CREW: ARRRRRR.......!
  22. Good exchange I'd like to clarify my comments from other flag posts referred to ealier in this thread First though, if anyone knows anything about pirate flags of the GAOP, it'd be Foxe... not that new ideas or info can't be used to challenge him, as thats what keeps us on our toes... Also, the picture of the original pirate flag posted a few messges back acutally comes from the 1800s... no? Anyway. In the research that I did on Naval/Maritime flags of the GAOP, and the ones existing in museums today, were made of wool bunting. While that certainly doesn eliminate silk, linen, or hemp canvas, it just gives us a glimpse of what some of the flags were made of. These are mostly Spanish and English naval flags... but naval flags out of wool bunting none the less. The weave is a funky 2x1 or 1x2, weft/weave, I can't remember exactly now, but its a weave that helps flags fly. This is where the conjecture (fun part) comes in. My guess is/was that pirate flags, more often than not, were probably made out of existing flags that were on hand... Ships, be it merchant, civilian, or military, carried a wide range of signal flags, country flags etc in various colors. So, when a pirate flag was needed, and no Pirate-Mart or Scoundrels-R-Us was available, they would make their own flag out of whatever the flag maker/crew/captain felt appropriate. The story of the Emporer's Yellow Double eagle/yellow flag folds nicely into this theory.... "what do we have, ok, that is it". Another guess is that priates probably cared a whole lot less about certain things than we do now... "Hey Black Jim, your skeleton sucks... it looks like a scarecrow..." The majority of GAOP pirates were probably just attacking the small transports with sugar, or other un-sexy goods on board to make a quick shilling anyway... no need for anything fancy... just scare them OUT of fighting. A couple years back, I was going to recreate a pirate flag usuing the above conjecture, I acquired a stash of 1930s-1940s ships signal flags... made from wool bunting... and was going to take them apart and re-assemble them into a "period" style unsexy pirate flag. Still got the flags if anyone wants to pick up the dream where I left off.....
  23. Sorry for not responding to the Buckle inquiry via email... I don't check up with the pirate e-mail as often as I should, and 784 of the 831 messages are usually about how I can get a bigger "plank" I just end up deleted most of it. I'm switching to a different e-mail service, and should be able to clear the decks more frequently. Good luck with your shoe buckle hunt though...
  24. Sorry to hear of your brother's passing. Gotta be tough as I am close with both my brothers as well (I am in the middle) But if they gave you the Grinding stone, I would imagine that he would want you to keep on, keeping on. And do it, have fun with it, and think of him. Ya gotta walk your own path though. I'll be praying for you.
  25. Whats the latest with the project?
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