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  1. Just makin' a call to all out there about a bit o' trouble I be in. I be new 'round this port, an' I suppose not everyone will know who I am, but I thought it ought to be mentioned what the goings on are here. I'll find myself without without a place to drop anchor for some time. The internet will be unreliable for me, so it's without an idea of when I'll be back that I find myself. If it weren't for the trouble, I'd probably visit more often and talk much more. I be lookin' forward to gettin' to know you all better, whenever that may be.
  2. What be the meanin' o' "Tar" in that time period? Modern days, TAR in the navy means Temporary Active Reservist.
  3. Well, now. What a musical bunch o' pyrates we got here! I plays a bit o' the piano now and again. I tried to learn violin, but no matter how set I were to studyin' it, I couldn't do no amount o' good with it, lackin' a teacher an' all. I learned the strings, but not how to run the bow against them proper. You might say my cat was the one who destroyed the thing, what with her sensitive ears. But I'll not make accusations any which way. I also plays a bit o' the mandolin when I gets a chance. Haven't touched one in years, though. And, o' course, I sing. I been blessed with a belter voice, good for singin' loud bawdy tunes what might embarrass a shyer lot. I've been known to accompany myself whilst I sing, but that takes a good deal of practicin', dependin' on the difficulty o' the sheet music.
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