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About Kon-Tiki

  • Birthday 11/30/1984

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    Everything and nothing
  1. Arharhar! Z, ye be mindin' a glass of milk? I ha'en't spiked it. Really. I be not the person to spike a lad's milk, especially not with this 'ere whiskey. You be noticin' a small, tiny weird, funny taste, but that be because the cow the milk came from be old.
  2. Clay It really isn't that hard to work with. Maybe I'll get myself one of those big lumps of clay they use at the Scouts (not steal it from them ) and make some miniature pirates, ships and others out of it.
  3. I don't even know who he is Only know Peter Jackson (and Michael and his sis, buteh.... errr.... why even mention them)
  4. HEY! You stole my avatar!
  5. And it looks good High Seas Trader
  6. Like William Kidd burying his family bible. Scanned that one in two years ago, traced over it and made it into the title screen of Little Pirate
  7. I should use it as research reference then, using it to see what I need to look deeper into.
  8. Dutch version of it, so called Zeerovers, not The Pirates, but yeah, that's the one. Seemed like there was alot of information in. Was skimming through the chapter on William Kidd in there yesterday. Wouldn't know how that'd be basic. Then again, it was just skimming.
  9. Maybe we can test it. I could translate a couple of parts of that book so they can be checked for accuracy and correctnes.
  10. Finally found my book on pirates again. It's written by Douglas Botting. Now I was wondering... anybody know how accurate information from him is?
  11. That's something worth toasting to! (Am finally getting the hang of it )
  12. Anybody here know how to talk like a pirate in Dutch? For some weird, historically incorrect reason, there's a tutorial on how to talk like a pirate in German (German pirates? They don't even have a shore ), but none 'bout talking in Dutch. It'll be a hemorrhoid for TLAPD for me, as I can't go speak in English all day.
  13. Hehehe, having squires around that could do the household, the cleaning and cooking, taking care of the horse... I could use one of them in my room. Then again, I don't like guys to hang out in my room. Feels awkward
  14. Annie "Cutting lass" Foxx
  15. And who do you girls think has to polish that shiny armor and keep that white steed's fur nice'n brushed? Reason the more to go with a sloppy bum. He won't care 'bout such things
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