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Lady Sakura

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About Lady Sakura

  • Birthday 09/13/1986

Profile Information

  • Location
    On the dangerous streets of Spokane!
  • Interests
    Interests? What interests? Just kidding. I like writing, reading, drawing, pirates (duh), anime, talking...
  1. Lady Sakura

    The SCA

    A few weeks ago, I had my first event with the SCA. Linkie I'm pretty sure you all know about them, but still, here's be a linkie. I came up with a persona already, I just need to work on it and *cough cough* become an actual member *cough cough* and get all official and stuffs. I'm a Chinese merchanter's daughter named Yue-E. Its kinda funny, though. I'm the only one in Weldsmere with a Chinese persona. But there are three Japanese personas... But anywho, its all fun, and I loves it. Celtic Revolt is in three weeks. Its being held in Davenport Washington, and I am so excited to go. I just got back from Newcomers Event. Which was helf in the same place that Celtic is going to be held. My friends and I had lots and lots of fun with the Bedowin (spelling?) tent peoples and at the Middle Eastern Feast and stuffs. Yay! Lots and lots of fun!
  2. Hey, I live in Spokane. I think there are a few Ren fairs and such, but I really don't know. I was wondering the same thing myself!
  3. *walks into the bar and looks around* Hello, all. *walks up to the counter and orders a pint of Guinness* I haven't been in here since... a long time ago. But, now I am qualified to be in here, methinks single I've been single fer three weeks now there abouts... *lightly sips at her pint and smiles*
  4. I agree with Pops and you guys. I've seen my fair share of pretty people become devil's spawn when agrivated. Here's what I say to them: Me: *wearing cat ears* "Pretty" person: Hey, it's not Halloween... *laughs* Me: Coulda foolded me with all that make-up you're wearing... "Pretty" person: I don't get it... Me: Hm... lemme put it this way... You are the reason why I have a fear of clowns... "Pretty" person: *blinks* I still don't get it. Panda-boy: She says you wear too much make-up! Oh, that was a good day. Oh, and Panda-boy is a friend from high school that wore a panda suit every Friday for the Anime and Asian Culture Club. Quite funny, too. He was an office TA and he would walk around in his suit handing out notes to people. And they would look at him funny, and he would have this goofy grin on his face. Ah those were the days... Okay, to me, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, really. Besides, we really shouldn't judge other people just by the way they look. That in itself is shallow and cruel. Whether you are black, or white, fat or skinny, you are all beautiful in your own way. And everyone should be proud of the fact that they are alive and loved. We weren't put on this earth to be judged and defined as "pretty" or "Ugly" we were put here to live and love. Okay, that's my two cents... By the by, here is a pic of me and a few of my friends last year at a corn maze and pumkin patch. I'm the short on in the middle with a wench costume....
  5. I'm a youngin'. I be 18. Of course, that's not how I act. Just ask me pop. *grins evily*
  6. Heh... I did other things besides wearing a kimono to school... My group of friends also wore cosplay once. I was Miroku (Perveted Buddhist Monk) from InuYasha, and I would go around asking my REAL close friends to bear my child. o.o One of my guy friends wore a dress to school, too. And our class Val Dictorian wore a dress for his Senior Project presintation. Of course.... Our group would go around singing and saying things in Japanese and run around glomping eachother. it was fun!
  7. D is for Drunken Dancers getting dunked in the sea.
  8. I wanted to go to the signing in Seattle, but alas, my lack of transport and funds kinda sunk that plan....
  9. B is the little Boat bobbing near the shore.
  10. I personally came here because I liked pirates and wanted to find out more. Now, I am looking at reenacting and ren fairs. Me thinks the idea about a separate Spam section would work. Just as long as ye keep tight rules on it. Like no spamming outside that section. and if there is a sudden spam outside it, then the thread either gets tempararily closed or moved to said section.
  11. Yea... You do... Or, you can get someone you know who has a membership there to get it for you. Just pay them 11 bucks and viola!
  12. Me thinks you could get it cheaper by doing a raid at Costco... That is, if that is the only thing you be gettin'...
  13. Well, rippa means admirable, splendid, and respectable. Tsugoi is a way of saying wonderful or amazing. There is no real translation. But, it is used to show that the speaker is amazed. Of course, this differenciates with the province and prefecture. Yea, Japanese be a hard and confusing language...
  14. Peter and the Starcatchers is a new book written by Dave Berry and Ridly Pearson. It's a book brought on by a question Ridly's daughter had, "How did Peter Pan become Peter Pan?" The two journalists came together and, after many emails and long nights, came up with this book. A funny quote: "AVAST THE MAIN MIZON!" It's actually recomended for kids 10 and up, but there's quite a few bits o' adult humor... I've only read about half of it, and I'm having trouble not laughing out loud on the bus... Or at home... Or in class... *Sakura's edit* Here's the link to the official site: Yarr!
  15. X marks the spot! Ha ha! No for real now... Captain Xander plays a xylophone.
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