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Zabeth Kidd

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Everything posted by Zabeth Kidd

  1. Thanks. I've looked at screenshots and stuff and I decided I like the Pirates of the Carribean (Sea Dogs 2) and Pirates! out of what I've looked at. Thanks again
  2. The characters in my story are actually based on my friends (and myself) so they will act like my friends do. This gives my story great potential for a comedy And I am incorperating fantasy. I just recently decided that the "opposing" pirate captain knows about the necklace which sends people through time. He wants to use it to get rich...greedy b******! lol. Anyway, I just finished the first chapter...finally! I like the way its played out know. I still will be going back to it...which is good I guess
  3. Do any of ye know any good pirate video games for PC? I've beena lookin...kinda...fer one.
  4. Yeah, I know it takes time and patience, believe me! I started and re-started the first chapter...eh...20 times? That seems about accurate, and its not exaggerated. I do a lot of pirate research at a site called Brethren of the Coast, and a google a lot of other sites. Brethren of the Coast is the best I've found so far. I'll check out the Master and Commander site.
  5. *Walks into the room, gets hit with a coin* "Hey, what's goin' on? Can I join?"
  6. I like Mary Read and Ann Bonny. They were the only ones that protected the ship while all the men were drinking bellow deck. They weren't hanged because they were pregnant. Mary pretended to be Mark her whole life and was even in the Navy! Hurrah for the women!!
  7. Yeah, the boy thing I was already incorperating. Actually, I start them out at an Independence Day party, so that their parents are weird, so they were in colonial clothes. One of the girls was already dressed like a boy, but the others were going to get boys' clothes soon after they go back in time. The "Powder Monkeys" thing sounds like a good idea. I could come up with little...happenings that each of the teens does. I have assigned each character an attitude: Tyler: Gets everything wrong/always gets in trouble Sam: Hates the pirates and tries to ruin everything :angry: Danny (Daniella): Martial Artist Zena: Smart One Rose: Has a crush on one of the pirate boys
  8. Treasure Island of course, and The Pirate's Son
  9. thankees much!
  10. They are young teens, 13 and 14. I was thinkin that they would actually be more of a helping hand to certain positions. Like an assistant, but not something very high up in the ranks.
  11. Ok, I'm writin a story about five teens that find a necklace in a cave which contains three old pirate ships. It sends them to a deserted island in the early 18th century where they see the three pirate ships being careened. They go onboard and become cabinboys/girls. (two boys and three girls) There is another pirate crew that act as their rivals. That's about all I have for the plot right now. Any feedback and/or ideas?
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