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Status Updates posted by IvanHenry

  1. Are there any GAOP events that are concerned about portraying pirates / sailors / townspeople historically accurate as possible? Searle's comes to mind, but it's just out of the GAOP - barely....

    1. Dutchman


      Hampton blackbeard on the reenactors side. the entertainment and street visitors dress all asort skew the public image though.

    2. Capt. Sterling

      Capt. Sterling

      Blackbeard's is certainly trying to bring things up a notch...as to other events there were a few that originally were trying hard but have died out... my backyard?

    3. Capt. Sterling

      Capt. Sterling

      If ye hear of any others please let me know...

  2. Last night I noticed a store clerk taking his smoking break in front of the propane storage bin. The bin had a giant sign that said " no smoking".

    1. William Brand

      William Brand

      I had a roommate that would fish toast out of the toaster with a fork while it was plugged in. He did something like that almost every day.

  3. I am thinking of repositioning Ivan Henry Trading Company. I would like to see if there is any interest in a store that carries, short run, unique to market flintlock and matchlock replicas that are 50% or more pre-ordered. For instance, I develop a 16th Century Arquebus or Caliver, take pre orders, manufacture 10-20, sell those and then move on to the next unique piece, like, oh, say a wheel lock musket... Any interest in this sort of business?

    1. William Brand

      William Brand

      A functional wheellock pistol would be wonderful.

  4. 1586 (same year as Drake's raid) English Musketeer - thinking this is the next step with my impression... Musketeers are shown with collar of bandoliers, large flasks and small primer flasks! Arquebussiers don't show any sort of loading, priming, charging accessories. Now, where can get that 10 gallon hat!?

    1. jendobyns


      Do you have a link for this event and reference sites?

  5. Michael - do you have my musket ready? I would like to pay you and pick it up. GIve me a yell.

  6. Just received a pair of Dutch Slops from Sykes Sutlery. At first glance, they look super!

  7. Facebook just asked me if I "want to leave before finishing" that makes me giggle like Butthead...

  8. Buff coat sewn! Yoo hoo!

  9. Pirate Happy Hour at The HMS F.U.C. this Thursday 7:00PM - then off to Gaspar's Grotto to see the Bawdy Boys play seafaring selections. Give me a note if ye are interested!

  10. Not so sure i like this time line stuff....

  11. Watched Casanova the other night - thought the costuming was very good.

  12. Does anyone have any documentation on the "short" sailor style waistcoat? I am looking for when it was introduced, was it a GAOP thing? Patterns, anything...

  13. Ivan Henry Trading Company odd ball items sale!!! I have two items that are odd balls and need a home.1. 14th Century Hand Gonne. It's a cannon on a stick. Complete with linstock, instructions, a few wood balls you can shoot, powder measure and more. Hand made in the USA - $250. New - never used. Really sweet! 2. Rustic handmade serpentine 15th century style arquebuss. Rough but functional serpentine arquebuss size fireable (will pass safety inspections) musket. I saved this from a re enac...

  14. Just finished up aging a doglock blunderbuss. It came out really cool. I just might just offer it as an added service. Pictures coming...

  15. JUst unpacked a wonderful shipment - five matchlocks two dog locks and three English locks... THere is a CHristmas song in there somewhere....

  16. While carefully stepping over a fellow Union soldier who had fallen, I broke character with a laugh that I couldn't suppress. As I looked down to step over him, I couldn't help but notice his nice set of New balance sneakers....

  17. Working on my first sewing machine made garment. Making a fancy pair of petticoat breeches.

  18. New info on Searle's RaidNew information update!We have a few changes that we would like to post here for those of you making the trip. The start time for the battle Saturday afternoon has been changed to 4:30 pm. The previous start time was 5:00pm. We are looking forward to the Fountain of Youth Archeological park hosting our camp once again this year. For those that have camped with us before, we will not be in our usual spot . Due to an unforseen scheduling conflict we will be camping ou...

  19. Anyone out there know where to buy 17th Century buttons? I have a killer new kit that is in need of buttons...

  20. Thanks Jeff Johnson and William Kunze for a great Captain Searles' Raid! Special thanks again for letting me command the muskets! It was a pleasure filling the bloody Spaniards full of pretend lead!

  21. Any ACW groups going to Narcoossee that would mind me joining them on Saturday?

  22. Awesome find this weekend knapsack match case. From civil war era

  23. Available soon - Late 1400's - Early 1500's Arquebusier set. Based on Emperor Maximilians 1502 'Zeugbuch'. (an inventory of the Emperors artillery train) the set includes six individual charge bottles, a waist bag with two compartments and a cinch ball bag. Pricing is coming soon. I should have a few set ready for the Ponce de Leon event April 6th.

  24. Uncanny resemblance...

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