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About captmadmollymudd

  • Birthday 02/02/1956

Profile Information

  • Location
    Baltimore, Maryland
  • Interests
    My interests are of course, reenacting, sailing, traveling, crafts, my grandchildren, one of whom is the youngest pirate in our show, he's 7.
  1. Many of ye been askin me for times for the POTC2 Movie and Cruise on the Clipper City. I've just been able to parlay with the theatre, and here she be....... July 8, 2006 12:00 P.M. to 12:30 P.M. - Registration at Muvico Egyptian Theatre at Arundel Mills Mall in Hanover, Md. 1:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. - Movie 3:30 P.M. to 4:00 - Board Eyre Bus Transport to Fell's Point 5:45 P.M. - Meet Clipper City at the Dock in Fell's Point 6:00 P.M. - Board 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. - Clipper City Tall Ship Sail 9:30 P.M. - Board bus back to Arundel Mills And how do ye pay us? Ye can mail checks made to Pirates for Sail LLC to: 5437 Hildebrand Ct. Columbia, Md. 21044 Or Ye can visit our website at PiratesforSail and click on the PayPal Link. We be needin to be paid by May 20, 2006 We have 84 tickets left.
  2. piratesforsail.com Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest Pirates Only! Saturday July 8, 2006 Join the Pirates of the Drunken Ferret and Clipper City for an opening show of Disney’s Pirates of Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest Saturday, July 8, 2006 At Arundel Mills Mall. After the show, join us in invading Fell’s Point and then for a Pirate Adventure on the tall ship Clipper City. Come in garb and bring yer steel (just not in the theater!) Tickets are $45 and include: Movie admission, Eyre Bus transportation from Arundel Mills to Fell’s Point, a 2-hour Clipper City Pirate cruise from Fell’s Point to Ft. McHenry and back to the Inner Harbor, and Eyre Bus transportation back to Arundel Mills. We have tickets for 100 of us bilge rats! For details and reservations please contact: Pirates of the Drunken Ferret Capt@Piratesforsail.com 410-715-5705 Or Clipper City Doug@clippercity.com 410-539-6277
  3. The Pirates of the Drunken Ferret are looking for willing additions to our scurvy crew as well as gentlemen and ladies attired properly for the period on the proud ship Clipper City sailing Thursdays and Saturdays out of Baltimore May thru October. Pay is according to shares of the booty as described in the Articles of our Company. We also be seeking a ship's musician well versed in sailor's music willing to add harmony and pleasure to our vocal endeavors. Again, pay is according to shares. Any of you wishing to know more, please contact Capt. Mad Molly Mudd at capt@piratesforsail.com. or visit our website at PiratesforSail
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