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Everything posted by we8er

  1. NAy you be mixing me up with pirate mark. I checked 3 times to make sure my tab was payed.
  2. you can see my pics @ http://www.myspace.com/we8er
  3. be it a wenches nether reagens when the red tide is flowing. And I be looking for work. Willing to work for passage.
  4. check out Floggen Molly and The Pougs. Also heard a good rough pirate song u have to here to beleave its Called the good ship Venis. You will laugh your ass off when you here it.
  5. murpf that thar be a rite handy site. If any should have proof of me being there or any other pics of the weekend from the depths of neptunes belly Pass them along. I be the Irash pirate out there. And iye any one be missing glasses or cellphones from that maze that was the dinny dock this weekend thanks I dove and picked them up pawning them to pay for me bar tab.
  6. I also be looking for a boat to crew on. Have loged many a hour. Racing on crusing but looking for a tall ship or any other vessel that is need of a good pair of hads to work the riggings or fordeck. Will work for passage and knowledge.
  7. If you be in need of capt'n to pirate the tod boat I can handle here wich leaves you open for a vessel. We shall go over in styel with a fleet It this should fall through an anyone is in need of a good lad to work the riggings or fordeck I'm up for hire will work for passage avaible from wednesday to monday
  8. To all ye true pirates I'm keeping my good eye out for ya on the island. Should be a merry time at 2 harbors the first weekend of Oct. Just beware of bording parties.
  9. twas a good time looking forward to next year.
  10. I here tell of a town leeward of the House of Wax just down from Knots Berry Farm that has shows of the rabbelrousing sort. I've yet to partake. If someone goes up the crows nest to take a look let me know what the view be.
  11. i'll be there on sunday. Whats the ruling from the govaner on having my rapier in port.. OR will I have to spend time in the brig for brandishing.
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