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Dread Pyrate

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About Dread Pyrate

  • Birthday 09/26/1967

Profile Information

  • Location
    Charleston, S.C.
  • Interests
    Pirates, SCUBA, sailing, surfing...bloody well anything to do with salt water
  1. Them's some beautiful scrims, Royaliste! Thanks for tha lead, Tales. I'll see if I can conscript a digital camera from one o me mates to post a picture.
  2. I've plundered meself the oddest scrimshaw on bone ye ever did see. On one side it has tha carvin' o a right comely lass wi a sword an the words "ALWINDA THE FEMALE PIRATE". On the other an etchin of a sailor a haulin a woman in a dress into a launch oshore wid his ship on tha horizon in the distance wi tha inspcription "Gibbs carrying the dutch Girl on board 1837". Can any o you salts tell me ye know about all o this? I'd be beholden to ya.
  3. When I was but a wee lad me father, a merchant sea captain, told me tales of the Sargasso Sea. They was some of me favorite stories ta hear. Thank ye for the long-forgotten memories yer links hauled back on deck.
  4. Me an me crew sail out of Charles Towne! As Longarm was sayin, thar not be much here in the way of "official" piratical happenins, as it were, but me an me crew gather to pillage and plunder at least evry other moon. If ye be interested in joinin us, sing out! We be able to have special gatherins to honor other pirates visitin our port.
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