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Red-Handed Jill

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Everything posted by Red-Handed Jill

  1. Great job on the jacket, Kenneth. And the slops look delightfully filthy (I mean that in a good way...)
  2. Lady B - check local garage sales. I picked up three rugs like that AND an oak rocking chair in fabulous shape for $45. Check Craigslist for garage sales in your area.
  3. Happy Birthday - and here's to more successful trips around the sun!
  4. Yep. Went sailing just yesterday, in fact. Jack and I co-own a thirty-foot sailboat with another couple and the two of us are crewmembers on the 72-foot schooner Aldebaran. (Ransom and Chain Shot will be joining us this June on her.)
  5. Happy Birthday! Hope this is your year!
  6. I just received Pew's book from Patt.
  7. ^ Lots of doubloons! < Except for traveling (which is why I'd need those doubloons) I've pretty much accomplished my "bucket list". I suppose I'll have to come up with more stuff to want to do. V Pass the question.
  8. MY EYES!!!!! What has been seen - cannot be unseen!
  9. Happy birthday Patt!! (We'll need to toast at NorCal!)
  10. What a smart man! Happy birthday Haunting Lily - hope your birthday is great!!
  11. Just sent Matusalem's book and box off to Sophia.
  12. Amused. A number of my co-worker's husbands are no doubt peeved right now. I've been telling my female co-workers about the effort Jack put into my birthday and all of the thoughtful gifts he gave me and he's making them look bad. Heh.
  13. We missed the rain, Patt. It was mild and sunny and not too cold the second night! We were prepared for the first night - Camp Frostbite is coming along quite nicely... And we ate pie - key lime, one of my favourites (I prefer birthday pie rather than cake and Jack always makes sure I get what I want on my birthday.)
  14. Oi - I'm late. Hope you managed to have a great birthday and get some celebrating in!
  15. Thanks everybody! Yes, it was a very good birthday, with lots of bangs and booms and some really great plunder from Jack!
  16. Thanks! Jack and I are heading out to a black powder rendezvous for a long weekend. Gonna make some noise and throw some sharp objects - woo hoo!!
  17. Yep - rum, sailing, cannons... doesn't get any better than that!
  18. I'm going to be away for the next few days - and I didn't want them to pass without wishing you a very happy birthday! We'll have a birthday toast when we're sailing up to Vallejo on Aldebaran!
  19. What about Cascadia? Republic of Cascadia
  20. Or you could make a carbide cannon so it will go BOOM - this is best done with PVC. (NOTE: this cannon was set up for theatrical charges but you get the idea...)
  21. Perhaps you'll be inspired during NorCal - lots of piratical fun to be had. Imbue the book with sea spray and black powder...
  22. Eggy toast (butter both sides of bread, cut a hole in the middle and put on a skillet. Then cook an egg in the hole. Cheese optional.)
  23. Happy Birthday!! If you're coming up to NorCal, we'll need to share a toast!
  24. Sounds like a real sicko. Couldn't all of you collectively talk to Animal Control and explain the situation - that this man is unbalanced and nothing he tells them is the truth?
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