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Captain Shadow

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About Captain Shadow

  • Birthday 11/24/1988

Profile Information

  • Location
    Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    Me at a Glance... (it's too long to mnake it pirat-y)<br><br>Name: Danielle<br>Nickname: Limpy the Duck<br>Age: 15 (16 on November 24th)<br>Where I Live: Canada<br>Favourite Sport: Hockey<br>Favourite Hockey Team: Toronto Maple Leafs (they WILL win the Stanley Cup one day... hopefully in my lifetime)<br>Favourite Colour: Red and/or black<br>Favourite Time of Day: Bedtime (I love to sleep)<br>Hobbies: sleeping, going to the movies/mall (I live in a small town, we have nothing else to do), eating, reading, writing, playing ball hockey<br>If I could go back in time to any time at all: I would go back to the 17th century and probably become a pirate <br><br>Best Movies (IMO):<br>1. Return of the King<br>2. Fellowship of the Ring<br>3. The Two Towers<br>4. Donnie Darko<br>5. Pirates of the Caribbean <br>6. Gladiator<br>7. Fight Club<br>8. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels<br>9. The Matrix<br>10. Braveheart<br><br>Favourite Actor:<br>Johnny Depp (sexiest damn pirate in the world)<br><br>Favourite Books:<br>1. Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien<br>2. The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien<br>3. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee<br>4. The Dark Tower (series) by Stephen King<br>5. The Vampire Chronicals by Anne Rice<br><br>Favourite T.V. Shows:<br>1. Friends (I can't believe it's over!!)<br>2. Any decorationg show (Trading Spaces, While you Were Out, Cleen Sweep, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition etc.)<br>3. The O.C<br>4. That 70's Show<br>5. Classic Game Shows (I love them!! The Game Show Network kicks some serious ass!)<br><br>Best looking guys in the world (IMO):<br>1. Johnny Depp<br>2. Brad Pitt<br>3. Orlando Bloom<br>4. Jake Gyllenhaal<br>5. Colin Farrell<br>Honorable Mention: Ashton Kutcher, Ty Pennington, Danny Masterson, David Draiman, Heath Ledger, Dominic Monaghan, Shawn Ashmore, Benjamin Mackenzie, Sean Connery, Hugh Jackman <br><br>Favourite Bands:<br>1. Disturbed<br>2. Metallica<br>3. Iron Maiden<br>4. Three Days Grace<br>5. Pennywise<br>Honorable Mention to: Trapt, Story of the Year, Hoobastank, Twelve Stones, Bad Religion, Nirvana, Mudvayne, AFI, Three Doors Down<br><br><br><br>Arrr... I'll be seein ye!<br>Captain Shadow
  1. I've got me a POTC shirt at Disney World. It doesna have Jack or Will on it, but it's black and has a skull and crossbones on it and it says "dead men tell no tails". Its my favourite shirt.
  2. Aye... I got Barbossa thats kinda odd...
  3. Aye! Steve the Pirate was hilarious ! I say he was t' only good part o' t' whole movie! I didna like it much. O'er here dodgeball is still play'd, as it were. One o' the most popular games in the elementary schools.
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