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Barbarous Blood

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  • Location
    The Caribe, where else did ye think?
  • Interests
    rum, wenching, the sweet trade, otherwise known as piracy ;)
  1. What a fine lookin' lass ye are, Christine! Although, I am certain that ye would have had a fine time with a proper pirate captain like me! It has been a very long while since I have been to Disneyland, but I think I am itching to go once again. Perhaps sometime early next year.
  2. Barbossa's brows furrow and his mouth downturns to a scowl. He is sick to the eye teeth of hearing 'Jack Sparrow this' and 'Jack Sparrow that', not to mention feeling more than a little impatient at hearing all the fangirl squeeling for the khol-eyed rapscallion with the constant swish and sway of the Sea in his walk Whom does a gent contact, Iron Bess, in order to demand equal PR time for we the cursed pirates, Hmm? Seems to me that me own infamy if if not merely the very fear of me name should be enough to inspire those bloody dullards at Disney that ye work for to get with the program! Barbossa saunters off in search of quill and parchment for this task.
  3. Barbossa eyes Lady Barbossa and his gaze takes on a look of certain fondness and he lets out a raspy chuckle I am sure that it would be a picarooons dream to actually hold yer attention long enough to be flattering, thee, Lady Barbossa. We shall have to see to your making a bit of finery for me, indeed. I have heard good things about your work so far.
  4. Barbossa eyes Lady Barbossa and gives her a wink. He is sure that there is an undestanding between he and the woman bearing his name = and will most likely discover what that is in due time. If ye turn a fine hand at millinery, then perhaps I could let ye fashion a new fine hat for me - or to repair this one which seems to have a bit of the luck of the Sea attached to it, such as it is.
  5. Ah, well then I will let Iron Bess do her best and make that rapscallion sorry he tangled with real pirates!
  6. Barbossa glances upward and sees that his fine hat, as battered and threadbare as it is, is still in its place and all is as it should be. Granted, the feathers are a bit crumpled, there are bullet holes and nicks and even the stain from the odd squid that landed on the crown after having been thrown at him by a desperate enemy. I hope that somone has informed that sorry gent that there will be no marketing of my hat! 'Tis mine, I say, and it'll be staying right where it is!
  7. Where be the mead and that hot tub that I keep hearing about? I've a mind to come and congratulate Merrydeath me'self.
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