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About cptgunther

  • Birthday 08/10/1970

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  • Location
    North Coast
  • Interests
    Just a Privateer in the SCA, plunderin' and pilligin' Pennsic for over 25 years..
  1. cptgunther


    I will be there with my household, House Blood Jack, at the corner of Brewes and Howards Fenway. If I'm not actually in camp, you can check the hammocks in the trees across from Pentwyvern, that's us, also..
  2. When I talked to Weasel about a week ago, he had been found..
  3. I'm usually a happy drunk, talking a lot more then I usually do, and maybe flirting a bit..
  4. The only ones I've met from here are Killien and Bonny Red Weasel, though I dobt either would remember me (I'm particularly unmemorable, which might be a good thing for a pirate..)
  5. Aye, me mates and I sail the Erie shores around the mouth o' the Cuyhoga. Usually you can find us at various SCA events in the area..
  6. I'll be there for Landgrab, then heading to mundania to work until Thursday, after which I'll be there for the duration. During the day you'll either find me on the fencing list, or swinging in the trees across from Pentwyvern. Look for the Cannons along Brewers road..
  7. Actually, we are across from Confed, but close enough :)
  8. Aye, I'll be attending war again this year, probably be on the fencing list or hanging in the hammocks in the trees during the day, and wandering about with the rest of my house at night. To find us, look for the cannons along Brewers road
  9. No, you don't have to be a member, but it is cheaper for members than it is non-members. Go to http://www.pennsicwar.org or http://www.pennsic.net fr more info (the second site is an unofficial one, but is helpful for people new to pennsic and the SCA)
  10. I'm up here in NE Ohio, the other end of the state.. I've gone to the Great Lakes Medieval Faire, but not for a while. Mainly just do the SCA thing up here now..
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