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James Smythe

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Status Updates posted by James Smythe

  1. Had a great time with the Mercury at STL Ren Faire.

  2. Soon to come a comparison of my flintlocks.

  3. It's official. I now own buckle shoes along with bucket boots.

  4. It was great to meet a few members at St. Louis Pirate Festival.

    1. silas thatcher

      silas thatcher

      dang it !! musta missed ya

    2. James Smythe

      James Smythe

      Yeah you weren't at your tent when I found everyone.

    3. William Brand

      William Brand

      What Mister Smythe means to say is that you weren't at your tent when he found everyone but you. What was everyone doing in your tent without you being there? Rummaging? Plotting?

  5. Getting a Queen Anne Flintlock!

    1. Commodore Swab

      Commodore Swab

      Pendersoli or Blackley

    2. James Smythe

      James Smythe

      Blackley... I got in contact with a smith that had the castings already.

  6. Candle Lantern came in but two panes broken.

    1. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook

      I guess it wasn't packed by the Rhino Bullet-proof Packing Company. A disappointment at the least. :>(

    2. James Smythe

      James Smythe

      Luckily the glass company nearby has hand blown glass panes. :)

  7. Finally tabbed out a picking version of Spanish Ladies for ukulele... now its time to learn it!

  8. By the end of summer my kit should be fully upgraded.

  9. Going to PotC midnight IMAX showing.

    1. Cheeky Actress

      Cheeky Actress

      Master Smythe....where?!

    2. James Smythe

      James Smythe

      Pensacola m'dear.

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