I have the following for sale:
1-slop trousers, G.Gedney Godwin, maker white canvas w/anchor buttons
$40.00(about a 36" waist)
1.-Pair white canvas knee breeches, Townsend maker, plain pewter buttons, about 36" waist
1- pair blue wool knee breeches, linen lined, tie at knee, Buffalo Enterprise maker, 1742 RN pattern $60.00 Brass buttons
1-pair striped ticking knee breeches, Druids Oak maker, plain buttons,
1-pair 1812 trousers, Townsend maker, plain buttons, canvas drop front,$40.00
3-white cotton 18th Century men's shirts, fold down collar. $15.00 each size 17-171/2
1-medium blue & white checked shirts, Townsend made, $15.00
1-medium black & white checked shirt, Townsend made, $15.00
1 blue cotton weskit, medium, $10.00
1 white linen weskit, medium $10.00
E-mail me at Carlislekidd@aol.com for more info.
3 pirate cocked hats also, $40.00 each