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About cavalier_pyrate

  • Birthday 07/28/1980

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  • Location
    gulf coast of florida
  1. this topic is very interesting, last month i went to an SCA event and had just gone through my garb chest and threw my kit together , from some i got compements and others complaints, saying you cant mix those fashoins together, i was protraying a (down on his luck conquistador) that weekend, i was wearing slops made from old bed ticking, black socks and shoes, a cavalier style slash and puff doublet, a torn and dirty cavalier shirt w/ french cuffs , a beat up looking breast plate and a morion style helmet, anyway i was wondering what year did cutlasses come into play?
  2. well im not too familar with the use of woad , or the wars agaist the celts most of my studies have been centered around the eastern part of the empire from thrace to eygpt
  3. that will do it..................was wonderin what all that was just never bothered to look into it by the way as long as we are on press gangs, i was reading last night , and am not surprised at the power that the east india company had over the admrialty.............was mentioned that crews of the company , that were on an active ship were protected, and that many who were pressed were usually returned by orders of the admiralty, but were subjected to impressment when the ships contract was up, and it stated that many crews mutinied when returning to england and the pressing sloop was seen aproaching, ...........and for some odd reason the RN were a bit leary of boarding an east indiaman..........................and for good reason too, the crew of an indiaman was just as well armed and trained as any RN ship and there moral was higher
  4. thanks , it is quite an interesting and sometimes heated subject , i take by reading over all the posts and replys, ................now this brings me to something else.......tis is the third time i have posted somthing which has already been posted..........i have looked over all the avalible posts and dont see any of the like then after posting i get a link too the latter........i cannot find any posts prior to oct 2004, ...is there a archive or such that im missing or ? anyway i would take that the (vagracy act of 1587 ) was subjected as impressment?
  5. press gangs............................i know only a little about them , anyone who is familiar with the history of and or how they opperated please reply, ............and were they mostly attriputed to the royal navy or did private navies like privateers and merchantmen use the same techneques?
  6. ive heard that there are some side effects from the use of woad ?
  7. oh i just wanted to inform you , if you were wondering,by some of the simplicity of my questions , that i am new too studing sea faring in the 16th and 17th century, but am not new at the world of reenacting or living history i have been in the sca for 5 years and roman living historys, most of my studies are focused on the late roman empire /eastern roman empire (byzantium) , its just been reecently that ive started to look around at different time eras, but i am very greatful for all the great information i have recived,
  8. well im going to keep with researching the role of ship's purser, it fall in with line with what i do ( i help run my mothers SCA merchanting buisness, well the monetory side of it that is) ...........and as far as purser's go, they were a inferior warrant officer or a landman? i read that with the east india company most of the pursers were landsman who were of considerable standing in society.....but on a ship like the golden hind or any war ship from the late 16th century would this be the same or not? ............and was there any paticular item? clothing that was different or was paticular to the purser?
  9. foxe, thanks , and too be honest i had been told by a fellow SCAer that i should look into developing my persona as a boatswain, but went off looking everywhere else, anyway thanks , and ill take a look at yer site, ........by the way are you still the curator of the bonaventure?
  10. ............they have many purpose's....my dear
  11. buy the way ... the reason i was asking so much about who preformed the role of law keeper is im putting together a display of period shackles and other period gaoler equipment and would feel pretty dumb proterying a lawmen of the sea and using the wrong rank or title....you know well thanks again
  12. yes thank you, the ballad you posted before was quite interesting and is unmistakably written by a sailor. im going to take a look at the "Safeguard of the Seas" so the boatswain was the lawkeeper, thats a new one for me.... well it seems that it was porblaby preformed by the person most qualified, ive even read somewhere that the QM on a pirate ship held the role of lawkeeper.....wether this is true or not im am nort sure.....but anyway thanks for the info, ......heres yer grog ration for the day ..... .....ring's the ship's bell
  13. foxe, well as i asked before about the role of a corporal /master at arms and purser, i am wonder, if there are any sources which give detailed information on the role of these paticular roles during the time of the armada, i have tried most of the internet search engines and found there to be very little info during these times , and second what social class were the people who preformed these jobs from?
  14. well my garb so far is not very fancy but could pass as authentic, i hand sewn my trousers from an old canvas , my doublet is from an old brown light weight wool, and a muslin shirt, very basic garb at the moment, the buttons are from old themselves there off of a old royal navy coat from 1899 the coat was old and ruined so i salvaged what i could
  15. Well greetings to all , ive settled on a name for my new ship, it was inspired by a statue over at a friends house, and thought it would make a great ships figurehead , the Sea Horse half horse and half fish (my shire's symbol is a mermaid ), so it keeps with it, and it combines both of my interests of nautical nature and of equine stuff
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