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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Excellent. Why don't we begin with a nice red wine over a conversation of old friends. I had a friend years and years ago that I haven't seen in ages. She was the second oldest in a close grouping of triplets. Her name was Kathy. Her sisters were a very angry lot, but she was somehow very pleasant. She was always saying hello to everybody. She lived outside of clicks and groups. She was completely above all the surface features of people. She always stopped to pick up people who were socially left behind. I would like to toast to Kathy, wherever she may be.
  2. A dance...? That reminds me. When was the last time we all sat down for an evening and just talked? We eat, drink and sometimes have an outrageous food fight, but we seldom converse over wine and finery.
  3. You may also sample, but for you we've made a velvet chocolate cake. Any favorite drinks?
  4. Try this and tell me what you think... Roast Welsh beef with laver puddings.
  5. THE WAY TO A PYRATE'S HEART is a thread "Of drink and feasting", yet how many of the threads are actually about food and drink? The internet is often about lowest common denominators, so "drinking and feasting" becomes, "drunken meat-market". "Internet" has become synonymous with "Free Porn". A friend of mine worked for a company that tracked internet service for half of his state. 97% of the traffic was porn.
  6. Aye. You did at that. My congratulations.
  7. July 19, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog Between five and six bells of the Afternoon Watch The fifth bell came and went, and William returned to the deck. He stood in the waist of the gundeck for a time and found himself looking Northeastward for several minutes. He couldn't explain why, but he had what he had always referred to as an "inkling". It was a sense of something. Something vague. He couldn't say what it was. It might have been apprehension, but it seemed more like a promnesia, though too subtle to be described. He was reminded of Kardal who always said, "Some'ne 'as begun yer grave. Soon ye'll taste da dirt". His eyes moved to those men ashore and back again Northeastward. His inklings were seldom wrong, at least those forebodings which had proved to be warnings by discovery. Sometimes they amounted to nothing tangible, since he had often changed the course of his life to avoid whatever unseen danger might lie in his path when his instincts had given him pause. Other times he had but narrowly escaped some fiendish treachery discovered along his course. Still, he was bothered. He did not like inklings, omens, misgivings or anything like unto them. They were like itches down in one's bones. What infuriated him most about these trepidations and flares of instinct was the utter lack of meaning they offered when they happened upon him, and the inconsistent nature of the warnings, if they were warnings. For example, he had received no disquieting feelings whatever about Muller or Van Buren, two proved dangers as close to him as his own skin. He had also had no inkling about the recent Frenchman dispatched by Chanault. He was endangered often without any proceeding omens, so that when he had misgivings about unseen things out of sight and reason, he was greatly bothered by them. William was a rational man and not given to superstitions, so he supposed that some of these misgivings had been little more than imagination. He also supposed that he had reason to feel this way all of the time, given the number of enemies he had made over the years. Still, he trusted his instincts and he was not one to set aside the foreboding entirely, for some more base and animal self within him might be trying to remind him that his life had become a bit unbalanced of late. Perhaps it was just a side effect of so many close calls and narrow escapes in the past few weeks. It had been years since so many, bent on his demise, had entered into his presence. He had every reason to bide the obvious concerns of his recent alliances. He was a just one more wanted man among a crew of two dozen malefactors at least. "I'm fast becoming a dog aboard the 'Dog", he thought, smiling. "I'm bristling and barking at unseen things again." He wondered if this was something Mister Lasseter would understand, or if he should even tell him. He did not want to appear nervous or distracted in front of the Quartermaster. He wasn't concerned that the man might see this as a weakness in a Captain, but rather as an oddity in a friend. For he had grown a genuine fondness for the Irishman and would not have him think aught of him. This thought was enough to bring him soundly back to the present and to the men searching under Los Hermanos. This was a dangerous business, and the exchange rates between coin and loyalties was not a business to be taken lightly. He noted that half of the search party's number were not to be seen ashore, so the delving had begun.
  8. I may not be able to help in regards to privateers, but here are some passenger ship lists. http://www.searchforancestors.com/passengerlists/ http://www.pa-roots.com/~chester/individua...ips_of_penn.htm
  9. July 19, 1704 - In the galley aboard the Watch Dog Just prior to five bells of the Afternoon Watch William gave over the deck for a time while he visited the galley. He found Mister Gage there humming to himself over buckets of fish guts and a table of fillets. They conversed at length on the subject of fish, a subject that Lazarus had much to talk about. The man was well versed in all fish edible and not, including Banded, Foureye and Spotfin Butterflyfish; Queen, French and Gray Angelfish, Rock Beauty, Blue Tang, Ocean Surgeonfish, Doctorfish, Bar Jack, Great, Barracuda, Chub, Bluestriped Grunt, Yellowtail Snapper, Bicolor Damselfish, Sergeant Major, Blue Chromis, Harlequin Bass, Fairy Basslet, Redband Parrotfish, Yellowhead Wrasse, and Spotted Goatfish. William's intended, short visit soon turned into a naturalist and culinary study of the many Caribbean varieties of reef residents. Far from being put out by the man's enthusiastic narrative, William enjoyed the distraction with a mixture of relief and intellectual interest. While they conversed, the Quartermaster and the select crew in his charge, prepared to descend beneath Los Hermanos.
  10. I only own the Bilge Pumps, so I cannot say which is better or preferred. Still, I was thrown a little by the electric guitar when the Bilge Pumps CD arrived.
  11. People will walk up to me while I'm painting, brush in hand, and ask me... "Did you paint that?" And I will say, "No. I'm touching it up."
  12. Your Seduction Style: Ideal Lover You seduce people by tapping into their dreams and desires. And because of this sensitivity, you can be the ideal lover for anyone you seek. You are a shapeshifter - bringing romance, adventure, spirituality to relationships. It all depends on who your with, and what their vision of a perfect relationship is. Not bad. This test is closer than most.
  13. July 19, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog Off the coast of Los Hermanos The rain that pelted the deck crew thinned and all but dissipated. It was little more than a reminder of its formal self and the lookouts and gunnery crew seemed greatly relieved. William welcomed the improved weather no less than any other officer, but Mister Youngblood's mood improved significantly. He decreased the runners who had gone to and from the powder stores and he went to the bow to light his first pipe of the day. Before long, Mister Gage was at the larboard rail again, seeing what fish might be had off of Los Hermanos. His work load in the galley had been much reduced by the recent disciplining handed down by the Bosun, and the cook was enjoying the opportunity to rest from his routine. He stood at the rail testing his hands at an old trade he knew from his youth, and his skills showed a plentiful quantity of fish could be had from the reefs off of these island shores as well. William watched him gather in a variety of fish and thought that if they found no other treasure here today, they might become rich in the fish trade. "Privateers turned fishmongers." he said to Mister Brisbane as he nodded in the direction of the cook. Nigel smiled and responded with a smile that made it nearly impossible to like the man. Then he added his solitary affirmative on the matter. "Cozy."
  14. That happens alot at Pirates in Paradise.
  15. You will need a period tent. I highly recommend a wedge tent or the QUEENS BLUFF tent from Red Hawk Trading Company. http://redhawk-trading.com/ SEE ALSO: http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7278
  16. A massage and a nights rest. If that will serve?
  17. I cannot find a sufficient shade of green to display my jealousy.
  18. William noted the Doctor's arrival on deck and her companion, Mister Flint. He couldn't decide if he thought it was an unusual pairing of company or not, nor could he be sure whom had invited whom to the deck. He watched them a moment, and then only peripherally. His attention was already too focused elsewhere. Bringing the glass up again he watched the cutter crew moving about on the beachhead making shelter to wait out...to wait out what? He couldn't say for sure. Not from here anyway. Though judging by the waves and rain, it might be the tide or the storm itself that kept them from their goal. A sudden sounding from the bow brought him away from his focus immediately as they shallowed so suddenly, William's teeth were set on edge. He had run aground twice before in his lifetime and on one of those occasions the ship had been lost. He barked out orders and the Watch Dog was brought over hard to Starboard. He threw himself against the wheel even as he made the order, and he and Nigel were able to bring her safely over unseen obstacles, if there were any. He was reminded of an ancient text that warned that stormy days were not good days to be close to land when sailing. Even as he thought this a piece of some greater text went through his head. lâ Hawla wa lâ quwwata illâ bi-llâhi 'l-`aliyyi 'l-`aZîm!
  19. You are welcome. This is my home specifically. Here is the view from the University. Sardine Canyon The East Bench The Wetlands
  20. A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker. -Buddha
  21. Then mid-Spring. The mosquitos haven't formed raiding parties and the mountains are more green than brown.
  22. The Spring or Fall. Summer is very hot and Winter is very cold here. Cache Valley is at it's finest in the Spring when it is as green as Ireland or in the Fall when it burns with a thousand different shades of orange and red. Winter sunsets are also grand. And summer nights are pocked with stars.
  23. I've been through there mate.Personally it wasn't very eye catching for my taste.I don't like being boxed in by land.I have to have plenty of sea shore and ocean to explore. But... ...if you have to be boxed in...
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