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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. When I woke up this morning it was 0 degrees. I'm longing for Baja California.
  2. I'm uncertain if there is a term other than wrecking, but here is a site on the subject of wrecking. http://keyshistory.org/wrecking.html
  3. I was all set to remove Crow from my list until I found a species of crow out of Hispaniola and Cuba called a "Palm Crow". I like the sound of that more than the others I have proposed. Palm Crow. Yep. Right back on the list. Antelope Dispatch Palm Crow Prudent Mary Southernmost
  4. And still the list continues to grow. It is already larger than last year's list and I hope that as the year progresses, it will grow without losing anyone from it.
  5. I can limbo but once a year. My back.
  6. Alright, the list isn't getting any shorter. Everyone read through and choose their five favorites overall. Then we'll pick from the repeats.
  7. Tonight's special is beef wellington with a side of asparagus. And now I am very, very hungry.
  8. Fantastic pictures, Jack. Fantastic. My compliments to the photgraphers.
  9. Aye, there are some good bird names and there are a lot of birds that nest in Florida... Grebes Pied-billed Grebe Brown Pelican Double-crested Cormorant Anhinga Magnificent Frigatebird Great Blue Heron Great White Heron Tricolored Heron Green Heron Black-crowned Night-Heron Yellow-crowned Night-Heron White Ibis Glossy Ibis Roseate Spoonbill Wood Stork Black Vulture Egyptian Goose Mandarin Duck Blue-winged Teal Hooded Merganse Allies Osprey Northern Harrier Cooper's Hawk Crested Caracara American Kestrel Sandhill Crane Laughing Gull Royal Tern Bridled Tern Sooty Tern Brown Noddy Black Skimmer Mourning Dove Mangrove Cuckoo Burrowing Owl Nighthawk Antillean Nighthawk Chuck-will's-widow Chimney Swift Belted Kingfisher Great Crested Gray Kingbird Loggerhead Shrike Fish Crow Purple Martin Marsh Wren Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Wood Thrush Gray Catbird Northern Mockingbird Bahama Mockingbird Brown Thrasher Northern Cardinal Red-crested Cardinal Blackbird Eastern Meadowlark
  10. I miss sunlight. The winter has been a cold one, and while I've seen worse winters, I still miss sunlight.
  11. The subject of prizes had been on everyone's minds since the battle, and while each of them was anxious to voice his opinion, they waited for the Captain to come back from the window. He continued to look out through one of the open shutters, watching the Maastricht bob upon the current of the Cul de Sac Royal. After a time, he turned again. "Sorry, Gentlemen. I was lost in thought." he said smiling. "I have not enjoyed such good fortune in a long time, the Kate notwithstanding." There were many nods, for more than one of them had visited the crippled frigate at La Desirade, and to some of them, it seemed like a lifetime ago. "The Maastricht will be towed into port for auction within the week, I should think, if all goes well ashore. The Heron...? Well...to be perfectly honest, Gentlemen, I cannot remember a time in recent years when I felt more safe, more sheltered, then I have with the Heron going before us on the water." Some of them nodded at this, for their tiny flotilla had indeed created a sense of shared strength that the Dutch and English had most likely enjoyed just prior to the loss of their ships. And perhaps it was a false feeling and perhaps it was foolish to place so much comfort in the quantity of ships. Either way, William continued. "The Heron affords us an added distance of range, giving us a greater scope of horizon, firepower and boarding parties. She is a goodly ship." "Aye." Dorian agreed, and perhaps with some enthusiasm, and this caused a few to smile, for it was evident that Mister Lasseter had enjoyed his time aboard the cutter. "A shallow draft. She sail strong into the wind..." "Aye. I propose to keep the Heron...at least as far as Trinidad." William explained, then he waited to see what each of them might say.
  12. We have a fine mulled cider and a warm fireplace which should do nicely. We might also talk about warmer climates and sun drenched climbs.
  13. I'm still hoping for more pirates out this way.
  14. Aye, I've seen that one before. That is a very good site.
  15. Welcome aboard, Rob. A fine crew you have there.
  16. These will be some very thin slices. Lady Snow gets a large piece first.
  17. We should ask who 'doesn't want cake'. It will be easier to count.
  18. July 27, 1704 - The Watch Dog, anchored off Fort Royal at Martinique Eight Bells of the Afternoon Watch William watched the approach of the jollywatt from the quarterdeck for a moment before signaling the Maastricht to send Mister Badger over, and by the time Dorian arrived aboard the 'Dog, the bosun was headed across from the fluyt. "Welcome aboard, Captain." William said, greeting Dorian with more formality then before. He swept off his hat and offered his hand. Dorian looked bemused, but he returned the title and the handshake. William called the Master Gunner and Master-at-arms aft as Mister Badger arrived at the frigate. With all of them were gathered, William gave the deck over to Mister Warren while He, Dorian, Jacob, Petee and Preston went below to the ward room. William invited every man to sit while he fetched up a glass or two. Miss Smith came in then and gave him a lighthearted, but also reproachful look for tending to duties that were hers alone. He graciously surrendered the cups and she served the men at the table. "Gentlemen. A fine bit of sailing into the wind these past few days. My compliments." This was followed by appreciative nods and a few thumps on the table. "And my many thanks to Mister Badger. A bit of good sailing for such a troublesome craft." "A boxed elephant with a pocket handkerchief." Mister Badger muttered, as he sipped his drink. "Aye." William agreed, for he doubted that he himself would have done as well with the fluyt. "You were the only man for such a task." Mister Badger smiled, and while he looked tired past understanding, he raised his glass a little in a return salute before draining the contents. "We had seven more prisoners pass." Mister Badger said suddenly without prompting. "That damn Dutchie of a captain ordered me to a 'parade rest' so that he might bury 'em." "I don't recall that you stopped..." Petee said, with a narrowing eye. "I didn't." Mister Badger said. "He buried 'em on the move." "He might have waited until Martinique." William said, refreshing Jacob's glass. "Not him...the bastard." Mister Badger growled, and took up his glass to drink then, added by way of explanation. "French waters." There was an understanding 'Ahhhhh.' which circled the table. "It is just as well." William replied. "I noted trouble on th' 'Dog, Cap'n." Dorian said, hoping to discover what many of them had speculated about on the Heron. "Ahh, yes." "What happened with this Tawny fellow?" William raised an eyebrow at that, for he had not expected Dorian to know of Tawny. Dorian explained at once. "The new lads on the Heron..." "Ahhh." William returned nodding. "I'll explain." William laid out the events of the last few days, including the unexpected discovery of the man Tawny, now labeled a pirate. William also touched on other insignificant details of the trip. Mister Badger talked at length, once the third drink was in him, and he spoked on the leaks, burials and every troublesome matter which had taken place aboard the crippled fluyt for the past few days. He was mindful to add many colorful descriptions of the 'Dutchie Bastard' as he went along, and many of them had trouble hiding their smiles as he went, for Mister Badger was notorious for mumbling his opinions of others aloud. Even Mister Lasseter was want to talk, though his thoughts and feelings tended to be all praises and compliments. He had many good things to say about the Heron and the lads both new and old. The discussion continued in this fashion for a time. ~Larboard Watch coming on Duty~
  19. Ahhh...pirate legend indeed. Welcome to the club of computer chatting pirate fanatics.
  20. I'm still leaning towards Southernmost for a Key West connection, but Florida has other references. The native stories about the curative spring were related to the mythical land of "Beemeenee", or Bimini, a land of wealth and prosperity located somewhere to the north, possibly in the location of the Bahamas. According to legend, the Spanish heard of Bimini from the Arawaks in Hispaniola, Cuba, and Puerto Rico. So we have Bimini.
  21. Today's special is biscuits and bacon gravy.
  22. Too be perfectly honest? Yes. The facsimile in the interior is very clean and easy to read. The print quality of the overall facsimile is superb. The binding is well made and there isn't a heavy amount of modern printing apart from the forward and the glossary of terms. The bright neon green cover throws me a bit. It threw me alot, actually. I'm going to bind it in leather to make it look period.
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